Chapter 1902 Her Worries
Princess Qionghua was very angry. Seeing the time slowly passing by, she knew that it would not be a problem to wait here any longer. When it was dawn, according to the charges Chu Mo gave to Bai Luoan, even the emperor and the queen mother would find it hard to give He is exonerated.

Princess Qionghua felt helpless at once, and a deep sadness arose in her heart. She really did not expect that a businessman like Bai Luo would be in such a catastrophe!

Her eyes were slightly closed, and for some reason she saw Bai Luo's neck cut off, and she couldn't help shivering.

An extremely intense panic also rose in her heart, as if her most important thing was about to leave her.

She also had this feeling when Cui Cheng died, but when she had this feeling in her heart at that time, there was still a bit of hatred in her heart. The hate that was filled with true love.

But this time, there was only deep panic and worry in her heart, but no hatred.

She unconsciously recalled every detail of how she and Bai Luo got along over the years.

When they first met, Princess Qionghua looked down on Bai Luo, and felt that there was no fundamental difference between him and those male pets she had raised before. The disadvantage is that Bai Luo is uglier than them all.

So she had teased him a lot before. When he gave her gold, silver and jewelry, in her heart, she actually looked down upon him. She thought he was just a fool and a fool.

She had also annoyed him before. That night on the edge of the South Lake, he had frightened her, making her think that she had been abandoned by him. It would be dark, and she felt that she could not walk through such a long road alone. .

So when she woke up the next day, she wanted to tear Bai Luo to pieces in her heart. He bullied her too much.

But after that time, somehow, maybe Bai Luo knew about her knot, and in her heart, Bai Luo seemed a little different from her former male favorites.

Princess Qionghua couldn't tell what the difference was. She had always been as dismissive of his favors as a queen.

But now when she thinks about the past of the two of them, she feels that Bai Luo is a black-bellied person. He spent three years by her side, making her adapt to the life with him without knowing it. Before she knew it, those male favorites around her were sent away one by one.

For her now, she knew very clearly in her heart how terrible her life would be without him!
These days, she has been worrying about Bai Luo day and night, and she has been running around because of his affairs, but Chu Mo sent people to do this matter, and this matter is even more impenetrable. According to her ability, it can't play a big role.

It's just that before she always felt that with Chu Yi and Chu Yuanzhou around, it was impossible for Bai Luo to have a big accident. She didn't expect to receive the news that Bai Luo was going to be beheaded tonight. How could she not be in a hurry?
Princess Qionghua wanted to see Bai Luo these days, but was stopped by others. She was a little worried that those cold-blooded animals in the Ministry of Punishment would execute Bai Luo.

Bai Luo is afraid of pain, she knows this very well, once when Bai Luo was going to pick flowers for her, she was accidentally stabbed, and he groaned in front of her for a whole day.

(End of this chapter)

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