Chapter 1908 I'll Kill You!

Chu Mo knew that Princess Qionghua could do anything. Although he didn't like this aunt, he didn't dare to provoke her. He was a smart person, and once he heard Princess Qionghua's words, he knew that she was going to replace Bai Luo. Early.

Chu Mo's eyes moved slightly: "Is there such a thing?"

"Yes." Princess Qionghua's eyes moved slightly, "That person is still standing in front of me."

Chu Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and before he could react, Princess Qionghua's whip had already greeted him: "You bastard, you can't see your aunt's happiness like this, see if I don't beat you to death today!"

She has always been a temperament that does what she says, and if she really wants to be arrogant, it is definitely not ordinary and terrible.

Chu Mo was shocked when he heard Princess Qionghua's words: "Auntie, what are you doing?"

"Whatever you did to me, I will do to you!" Princess Qionghua raised her whip and said, "If you don't let me live, I won't let you live either!"

Chu Mo said in shock: "Auntie, what are you talking about? When will I not let you live?"

Princess Qionghua looked at Chu Mo and said: "You want Bai Luo's life, and Bai Luo is my life, you want to kill my life, how dare you say you didn't harm me? See if I don't beat you bastard !"

Princess Qionghua knows a little martial arts, and her whip skills are not bad, but these few whips are mixed with strong anger, and her strikes are called ruthless.

Chu Mo knew that Princess Qionghua's outburst was unreasonable, and he felt a little speechless in his heart. When he attacked Bai Luo, he sent someone to investigate the matter between Bai Luo and Princess Qionghua. At that time, he was afraid that Princess Qionghua would lose his temper.

And the result of his investigation is that although Princess Qionghua lives in the Bai Mansion, the relationship between her and Bai Luo is very weak, and the two of them usually get together less often, and whenever Princess Qionghua has a chance, she will Bully Bai Luo.

In such a situation, from Chu Mo's point of view, Bai Luo in Princess Qionghua's heart was no different from the previous male favorite, so Chu Mo didn't take this matter to heart.

He originally planned to tell Princess Qionghua when he saw Princess Qionghua that that matter had nothing to do with him.

Unexpectedly, Princess Qionghua went crazy today, saying that Bai Luo was her illness, and that she wanted to fight him desperately!
Chu Mo's martial arts are much better than Princess Qionghua's, but Princess Qionghua is his elder, and here are full of palace people standing here. The princess beat him, and he couldn't fight back.

Chu Mo couldn't fight back, so he could only hide, but regardless of whether Princess Qionghua would let him go just because he hid, she immediately waved her whip and said sharply: "Chu Mo, stop, I will beat you to death today!" No!"

In front of other people, there may be reason to say, but in front of the angry Princess Qionghua, there is no reason to say.

Chu Yuanzhou stood aside and watched Princess Qionghua make a move. He raised his eyebrows and secretly felt that Princess Qionghua did a very good job. Although it doesn't look very elegant if he fights like this, it will not be good for Princess Qionghua's reputation. .

But, does Princess Qionghua still have a reputation?

Chu Yuanzhou stood there motionless, and the Minister of the Ministry of Justice swallowed secretly when he saw such a scene. Fortunately, he didn't say anything in front of Princess Qionghua, otherwise he would have to be whipped by Princess Qionghua.

(End of this chapter)

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