Chapter 1909 I'm Not Crazy Enough
The Minister of Dali Temple asked softly: "My lord, do you want to persuade me to fight?"

"Okay." Chu Yuanzhou glanced at him and said, "I don't dare to persuade you, why don't you go?"

The minister of Dali Temple also swallowed his saliva and said: "The princess is teaching the younger generation, this is the royal family's housework, the lower officials dare not ask."

When Chu Yuan heard the words, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, but he felt a little funny in his heart. These officials seemed to be very powerful when they said it, but when they actually acted, it might not be the same thing.

Chu Mo was so embarrassed by Princess Qionghua's pursuit that he wanted to reach out and grab Princess Qionghua's whip, and then show off his majesty, but as soon as he grabbed the whip, he felt a tingling pain in his hand. It turned out that Princess Qionghua There are barbs on his whip.

Ever since, not only did Chu Mo's majesty not show off, but he was a little disfigured because of the severe pain.

Princess Qionghua waved her hand again, and Chu Mo secretly scolded Princess Qionghua as a lunatic in his heart, but he had no way to deal with this lunatic.

"Stop!" A female voice said: "What a shame to fight in the palace!"

Princess Qionghua turned her head and saw Concubine De standing there.

Among the women in the palace, Princess Qionghua is only afraid of the queen mother, the queen and concubine De have never been in her heart, her eyes immediately opened: "What are you, dare to talk to me like this?"

Concubine De was very angry when she heard the words, but she also knew that Princess Qionghua would not give her any face.

It's just that Concubine De was very angry when she saw Chu Mo being chased and beaten by Princess Qionghua like this. In her opinion, Chu Mo was aspiring to the throne in the future. Now that Chu Mo ascended the throne, he might be laughed at by the courtiers.

Concubine De immediately went to stop the whip. She felt that no matter how unreasonable Princess Qionghua was, she would not be able to beat her, but as soon as she walked over, Princess Qionghua's whip fell on Concubine De's body unceremoniously. It hit her face.

Concubine De screamed, Dang Lian burst into tears and said, "What is the princess doing?"

"What are you doing?" Princess Qionghua looked at Concubine De coldly and said, "You don't know how to discipline your son, I will take care of him for you!"

Concubine De gritted her teeth and said: "Mo'er is the emperor's son, and it's not your turn to discipline him. If you beat me like this, I will definitely punish you!"

"Punish me!" Princess Qionghua immediately smiled and said, "Okay, I want to see how you will punish this palace! Although you are the imperial brother's favorite concubine, you are nothing more than a concubine after all. Sister-in-law is not even counted, I would like to see how a concubine can punish Ben Gong, the real princess!"

Concubine De has been favored by the emperor since she entered the palace. Although she is only a concubine, no one has ever looked down upon her, because for a long time, her status seemed to be higher than that of the empress.

It's just that no matter how high her status is, in other words, she is just a concubine. Even if she dies, she cannot be buried beside the emperor.

Concubine De was trembling with anger. Chu Mo was the most filial to Concubine De. Seeing that Princess Qionghua dared to beat Concubine De, he immediately became a little angry. He walked up to Princess Qionghua and said, "Auntie, you are crazy!" Is that enough?"

As soon as he walked over, Princess Qionghua gave him a slap and said, "Not yet, so what?"

(End of this chapter)

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