Chapter 1932 in one sentence

"You think too much." Yunzheng doesn't know much about the affairs in the court, and she doesn't have much interest in who is the emperor. She just wants to guard Ye Wuchen and everyone to live a good life.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help gently stroking her lower abdomen. Now there is another life in it, but this time she obviously didn't have the uneasy feeling when she was pregnant with Dudu. Now she can already feel it. The shadow of happiness.

Ye Wuchen knew that she was different from Yunqian. Although she was smart, she was much simpler than Yunqian. She probably understood those twists and turns, and the continuous calculations of the court.

For these, Ye Wuchen feels very good, as a woman, it is not a bad thing to manage housework like Yunzheng.

He hugged Yunzheng a little tighter, but asked again: "Zhenger, if it were you, which prince would you like to take the throne?"

"Of course it's King Jing." Yunzheng said softly: "Actually, I don't know the other princes, but when everything happened before, only King Jing helped. I naturally hope that King Jing can become emperor. He Although it looks cold, it has a cold face and a warm heart.”

Ye Wuchen said softly: "He is indeed a very capable king with a big heart, so it is most suitable for him to be the king, but his mother clan is too weak. It's going to get him into trouble."

"What do you mean?" Yunzheng asked a little puzzled.

Ye Wuchen sighed softly and said, "I hope I'm thinking too much, but the position of emperor has always been occupied by the able and sage, if someone forcefully wants to go up, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive."

Yunzheng seemed to understand, but she lightly leaned her head on his chest and said, "I'm just a woman, and I don't want to fight in the court, but I think Prince Jing's character is precious. If you have the chance, you must You need to help him. In the eyes of outsiders, you are still an aide of King Ming, but when I saw King Ming last time, I always felt that he had a very heavy hostility. You should stay away from such a person Better."

Ye Wuchen chuckled lightly and said: "I used to think that Zheng'er never cared about national affairs, but now that I heard Zheng'er's words, I realized that Zheng'er also has national affairs in mind, and also knows how to look at others. .”

Yunzheng blushed and said, "How do I know that, it's just my intuition."

Ye Wuchen smiled lightly on his face, but he said in his heart: "Chu Mo, even Zheng'er can see your hostility, how can I not see it, in your heart, I'm afraid you have been right for a long time. I have a bit of a grudge, I don’t want to use me but I have to use me! Instead of being passive like this all the time, I might as well find a new way.”

He didn't want to add any more melancholy to Yunzheng, so he sighed softly, almost inaudibly, then hugged Yunzheng again and said: "Lady, it's late at night, it's time to rest."

Now that Yunzheng is pregnant, he has no other thoughts, he just thinks that holding her like this is a happy thing.

His thoughts were deep, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After the two went back to their room to sleep, in the early morning of the second day, another news came from the palace, which alarmed the entire royal family.

If Ye Wuchen knew that what he said unintentionally last night was actually right, maybe he wouldn't have said that to Yunzheng last night.

(End of this chapter)

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