Chapter 1933
In the palace, the Empress Dowager sits on the main seat of the hall, the Empress sits beside her, and further down, is De Fei.

The Empress Dowager's complexion was extremely unsightly, but the Empress's appearance was extremely dignified, while De Concubine's face had a hint of sarcasm, her eyes were full of complacency, and there was only a hint of mockery on that delicate face.

Kneeling down a man, the man is about fifty years old, with some sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, at this moment his eyes are rolling around, he doesn't look like a good man.

The queen's eyes narrowed slightly, she glanced at the man, then at Concubine De, her eyes were full of deep calculations, but her face remained calm, she just sat there without moving.

The Empress Dowager's complexion was a little ugly at this time, her eyes were full of sternness, and her eyes were full of shock. She reprimanded lightly: "Is what you said true? After Ai's family finds out, if there is a lie, The Ai family will definitely cut you to pieces!"

After the empress dowager retreated to the harem, she had not asked about political affairs for many years, and at this time she spoke so righteously and sternly, her majesty immediately appeared.

The man fell on the ground and said: "This matter is of great importance, the grassroots dare not lie! Every word and every word is true, please check it out!"

The Empress Dowager's eyes were deep, and Concubine De glanced at the Empress Dowager and said: "Mother, he is Qin Xu's elder brother, what he said must be true, and there is absolutely no way it will be false."

The Empress Dowager immediately gave her a hard look, and she said aggrievedly: "The concubine just heard the news by chance and sent someone to check it out. If she is not [-]% sure, she dare not say it in front of the Empress Dowager. I dare not bring him here to meet the queen mother."

The Queen Mother didn't speak, just snorted coldly.

Concubine De said softly again: "After the concubine knows her mother, she will definitely suspect that all this is done by the concubine. It is just to hurt Prince Jing and benefit the prince of Ming. The concubine admits that the concubine does have a little selfishness in her heart, but this This matter is of great importance, no matter how selfish my concubine is, she would definitely not dare to make a fuss about it."

The Empress glanced at Concubine De and said: "Mother, Concubine De has some truths, no matter it is true or not, the heirs of the royal family cannot tolerate any suspicion. It is."

The queen mother glanced at the queen and said: "Then how to check according to the queen's wishes?"

The queen said slowly: "This matter can only be passed on to King Jing to the palace to confess blood."

It turned out that when the queen took action against Chu Shu, she had already thought of a way to deal with Chu Yi.

Chu Yi's biological mother was just a maidservant, her status was extremely low, and her appearance was mediocre. She was favored by the emperor for a night after he was drunk. After that night of dewy marriage, the emperor promised to promote her from a maidservant to the lowest rank.

Everyone in the palace thought that she was from a humble background and had no wealth, so it was impossible for her to be favored.

Everyone didn't expect that she would become pregnant with Chu Yi that night.

At that time, the queen was also harboring Chu's wish, and she was a little annoyed when she heard the news, but Gu Dadu had to arrange a side hall for her.

But the emperor obviously lost interest in her. Although she was promoted to promise, the emperor never stayed in her room again.

She became the only concubine in the palace who was favored by the emperor for one night and became pregnant.

(End of this chapter)

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