Chapter 1934 to find Prince Jing
Because of this, Chu Yi's status was far lower than other princes and daughters when he was born, and then Chu Yi's biological mother committed another crime in the palace. The emperor was furious and ordered her to die immediately.

The queen blew a pillow breeze in front of the emperor again, and the emperor was even more reluctant to see Chu Mo, and immediately ordered someone to send Chu Mo to the Ningde Palace, where he would not be able to see him easily.

But this time the queen took a lot of thought. She spent a lot of time finding Chu Yi's biological mother's elder brother. Industry.

Ever since Chu Yi's biological mother left, the old bastard has never seen Chu Yi again, and he doesn't know Chu Yi's title, nor does he know that he is actually Prince Jing, who has the highest voice for the throne.

After the queen found him, she sent someone to spend some time to buy him off, promised him a lot of benefits, and then asked him to release the news that Chu Mo was not the emperor's own son.

As soon as the news was released, Concubine De sent a lot of spies to find him, and soon there was news about him, and then under Concubine De's painstaking arrangements, she first let the news out in front of the Queen Mother, and then got the Queen Mother After agreeing, he took the old bastard into the palace, and that's why today's matter happened.

This matter is unbelievable to the queen mother, she thinks it is impossible, but the blood of the royal family cannot tolerate a little time, so she naturally has to think about this matter carefully.

It was rare for Concubine De to unite with the queen, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly after hearing what the queen said, with a hint of complacency in her eyes.

She glanced at the queen mother and said: "Mother, the concubine thinks that the method the queen said is very good. The matter of the royal family's blood should be handled with care. In addition, the emperor is seriously ill now, this matter is even more intolerable." Slightly wrong."

The queen mother sighed softly, and there was a touch of hesitation in her eyes. In her heart, she actually liked Chu Yi better, but this matter was of great importance, and she had to handle it carefully.

The queen glanced at the queen mother and knew what the queen mother was thinking. Her thoughts sank slightly, but she smiled slightly and said, "Queen mother, what do you think?"

The Empress Dowager pondered for a while and said, "Okay, let's do it this way! Someone invite Prince Jing into the palace."

The queen responded lightly, and asked the eunuchs around her to pass on Chu Yi.

Chu Yi didn't pay much attention to the rumor these days, thinking that it was just a slander by someone with ulterior motives, but when he heard the Queen Mother proclaiming the edict, he had some guesses in his heart.

He just pondered for a moment, then got up and got off the horse and said: "Okay, this king will enter the palace now."

The eunuch responded and led the way, and just reached the gate of the palace, he met Chu Yuanzhou. Seeing him entering the palace, Chu Yuanzhou asked curiously, "What are you doing entering the palace at this time?"

Because the emperor has made a vow, the princes must not enter his bedroom. If they can't enter his bedroom, it doesn't make any sense to enter the palace.

So these days, the princes seldom enter the palace.

Chu Yuanzhou deals with state affairs on weekdays, but spends half of his time in the palace every day.

Because of this, Chu Yuanzhou was a little surprised when he saw Chu Yi at this time.

"It was Grandma Huang who ordered me to enter the palace." Chu Yi replied.

After hearing Chu Yi's words, Chu Yuanzhou frowned slightly, but turned his head and asked the eunuch, "What is Grandma Huang looking for Prince Jing for?"

(End of this chapter)

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