Chapter 194
Yunqian felt that if she said these words to him, she would either be touched to death or half dead with anger, so she turned her head and ignored her, and he stretched out his hand to gently wrap her arms around her waist, as the breeze blew by, his hair tangled with hers , Across the misty moonlight, the quiet posthumous posthumous everywhere, adding a bit of beauty.

Her waist was flexible and slender, and with a firm grip, there was a certain change in his heart. At this moment, he wanted to kiss her a little.

He always had the temperament to do whatever he thought, and when he lowered his head slightly, her hand was already lightly covering his lips, with a few blue embroidery needles still tucked between his fingertips.

Chu Yuanzhou chuckled when he saw her, and asked, "Why don't you just stab me?"

"Because I can't climb this cliff, it's a bit troublesome to stun Shizi unconscious, but if Shizi is too rude, I don't mind dying together with Shizi." Yun Qian answered very bluntly.

The place where the two of them were standing was several feet away from the road above. With such a small body, she would not be able to climb up anyway under such a mountain wind, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled, stretched out his hand and pulled out the poisonous needle of her pointer, and threw it into the night, then flew lightly with her in his arms, and sat on the boulder beside him.

After Yun Qian stepped on the ground, she felt a lot more relieved. She breathed a sigh of relief. He sat beside her, turned to look at her and said, "Lonely men and widows are in the wilderness. Something is not quite right."

Yun Qian glanced at him sideways and said, "I don't know what the prince wants to do?"

Chu Yuanzhou blinked and said, "What else can a lonely man and a widow do together?"

Seeing that his eyes were shining brightly, Yun Qian felt a little hairy in her heart, but she said calmly, "Although my son acts frivolously, he still behaves like a gentleman. You and I have been in the same room several times..."

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "Don't put a high hat on my head, I've never been a gentleman."

That's what he said, but he didn't take any further action. He looked at Mingyue and said: "The bright moon is above, and the loess is below. I, Chu Yuanzhou, may have been planted in Yunqian's hands in this life. Please bless me. Let me never crawl out of her clutches."

Yunqian has seen many love words that swear to the sky, but she has never heard love words like Chu Yuanzhou's. I am afraid that he is the only one in the world who can say such words, as serious as they are child's play.

Her eyebrows were raised, Chu Yuanzhou turned his head to look at her, his eyes were burning, and there was no trace of raising his eyebrows.

Seeing him like this, Yunqian's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly turned her head to one side and ignored him.

Chu Yuanzhou chuckled, stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms, her back was pressed against his strong chest, her body stiffened involuntarily, he said in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, I just want to hug her hug you."

His breath gently brushed over her snow-white neck, causing the pores of her whole body to tremble.

He closed his eyes slightly, and she stuck another handful of needles in her hand. If he dared to make any further moves, she would definitely give him a few needles.

It's just that when he said he was holding her, he was really just holding her. After nightfall, the mountain wind was very cool, and his embrace was very warm.

After sitting like this for about a quarter of an hour, Yunqian felt that he didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, and her body limply fell into his arms, but she sneezed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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