Chapter 195 Call Me Far Away
Chu Yuanzhou chuckled, took off the cloak behind him and put it on for Yun Qian, but he was much taller than her, and the cloak could wrap her around her body and drag half of it on her body.

Chu Yuanzhou folded his arms around his chest and tilted his head to look at her, saying, "It fits pretty well."

Yun Qian was speechless for a moment. She dared to say that the cloak fit her so well. She didn't know what he thought of it, but she always knew that his ability to tell nonsense with his eyes open was first-class.

Chu Yuanzhou slightly bent his knees, then patted himself on the back and said, "Come up, I'll take you back."

Yun Qian looked at his broad back without moving, but asked, "Is the injury on Shi Zi better?"

Chu Yuanzhou was slightly stunned when he heard the words, he turned his head to look at Yun Qian and said, "Why don't you take my pulse again?"

Yunqian nodded, the corners of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth hooked slightly, Yunqian stretched out her hand from the cloak, and gently clasped it on Chu Wutou's veins, only her hand clasped it, and Chu Yuanzhou pulled it back with a backhand. Her hands are clasped in hers.

His hand was much bigger than hers, and with such a backhand grip, it completely covered her hand.

His hands are as strong as those who practice martial arts, but also as soft as pampered people. She doesn't know how he has fought all these years.

She raised her eyes and just met his bright eyes, and he said softly: "Hold your hand, and grow old with you, Qianqian, this time you asked me to hold your hand."

Holding the hand of the son, and the place where Yunqian once lived with the elders are words in the "Book of Songs", but in this dynasty it is a word in a book called "Ronghua Jing".

Yun Qian was slightly stunned, this Chu Yuanzhou, he has always acted differently from ordinary people, so can this be regarded as holding hands?

It's just that she also knew that there was really no reason to talk to him, and she didn't justify herself right away, but he reached out and grabbed her other hand and said, "I still want to take good care of you, so I won't let anything happen to me."

Yun Qian's eyebrows were raised. Did she ever ask him to take care of her?These two things don't seem to have any connection.

There are insects and wind blowing all around, but it is extremely quiet.

Xu Shi was affected by the surrounding atmosphere, Xu Shi Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were too gentle, Yun Qian's heart beat faster.

Chu Yuanzhou stopped talking, but hugged her horizontally, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, her hands unconsciously slightly hooked his neck, his legs bent slightly, and then kicked lightly, he He took her to jump over the cliff and then through the dense forest.

Yunqian's ear was attached to his heart, and he heard his strong and powerful heartbeat. This man was really special, and he always acted unexpectedly.

But her heart is a little confused, if he is not a game but a true love for her, he is the best destination for her in this life.But for a person like him who comes and goes like the wind, no one knows what he is thinking in his heart. Maybe this moment is true to her, and he will forget her as soon as he turns around.

Her eyes closed slightly, no matter whether he was real or not to her, this embrace was so real.

Long before time travel, she had longed to have a warm embrace like his, but there was no such man by her side.

"It's here." Chu Yuanzhou said softly, and then slowly put her down.

Yun Qian raised her eyes to look at him, but his face did not have the naughty smile of the past, she said softly, "Thank you for saving me tonight, my son."

Chu Yuanzhou looked at her steadily and said: "Don't call me your son in the future, I have a name, and I like to hear you call me by my name."

(End of this chapter)

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