Chapter 196
Yun Qian smiled and did not answer, but took off the cloak on her body, and then handed it to Chu Wuzhou: "No woman in the world can hide from the gentleness of the son, and I am no exception. I and the son are only married by agreement. She is so kind to me, I think the woman who can touch the heart of the prince and become the real concubine of the prince will be the happiest woman in the world."

Chu Yuanzhou raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, but there was anger in her eyes. What was going on in her head?In this world, he has never been so tempted by a woman who actually regards his kindness to her as his promiscuity?

Chu Yuanzhou thought he was smart all his life, but this time he shot himself in the foot.

He reached out to take the cloak, she saluted lightly and was about to leave, but he kissed her face very quickly the moment she turned around, she was slightly startled, with a hint of anger in her eyes, but he He smiled and said: "You said that I treat you so well, so naturally you should give me some benefits, otherwise I won't have the motivation to treat you well."

Yun Qian heard that she wanted to vomit blood, who is this!
She suppressed her anger and said: "If this is the case, I will not dare to let the prince do anything for me, and I will not bother the prince to intervene in my affairs."

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows, Yunqian turned around, but he said behind her: "Your mother has bad intentions, I have some things these days, I can't be by your side all the time, you should be careful .”

Yun Qian's footsteps paused slightly, her heart warmed slightly, but she didn't look back, and then strode towards the wing room.

The night was silent, the shadows of the trees swayed slightly, and the bright moon shone in the sky, making her slender figure longer.

Chu Yuanzhou felt a little distressed when he saw her back, which looked so thin and lonely.

She used her insanity to cover her unparalleled elegance, and he also used his foolishness to cover everything about him. To a certain extent, the two are so similar.

With one hand behind his back, his tall figure is lonely and upright.

After he watched her back disappear into the wing room, he turned around slowly. After turning around, the gentleness in his eyes was no longer there, only a gloomy and cold figure remained, and a figure fell on the ground and said, "I have seen the master."

Chu Yuanzhou nodded lightly and said, "What did you find?"

"As the master expected, the third prince did come to Baolai Temple for another purpose. It seems that he came for that person." The visitor was dressed in black, with only a pair of eyes exposed, and his whole body exuded a cold aura.

Chu Yuanzhou said slowly: "Very well, continue to follow the third prince and see what tricks he is playing."

The person who came responded, lowered his body and sprinted again, before disappearing into the vast night.

The imperial power changes, the waves wash away the sand, there are many princes, but there is only one throne.

When Yunqian returned to the wing room, Huanyu and Shuxiu rushed up to meet her and said, "Miss, are you alright?"

The eyes of the two were full of worry, and they didn't quite understand why Yunqian was not in the hot spring and came back so calmly at this moment.

Yun Qian smiled lightly and said, "I'm fine."

Mother Sun came out and asked, "Where did Miss Fifth go just now? This old slave is really worried."

Yun Qian cast a sideways glance at Mama Sun and said, "Do I need to ask Mama Sun for instructions when I go to the latrine?"

Mother Sun hurriedly said: "The old slave is just worried about Miss Fifth."

"Understood." Yun Qian's eyelids moved slightly: "I'm a little tired, if you have nothing to do, go down and rest!"

(End of this chapter)

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