Chapter 1941

"Empress Dowager, my sister did tell me before she was alive that Prince Jing is not the emperor's son, so there is really no need for blood tests." Qin Zhizhi said loudly from the side.

After hearing Qin Zhile's words, Yun Qian felt a chill in her eyes, and she walked slowly to Qin Hele's side and said: "The news you called is just your own side story, it's okay if it's true , if you spread rumors to cause trouble, frame the prince, and provoke the royal family, according to the laws of the Great Zhou, you will be sentenced to have your tongue pulled out!"

When she mentioned the punishment of pulling out her tongue, Qin Zhi's face changed drastically, and Concubine De said beside her, "The concubine Shizi also said that it is a lie that requires pulling out her tongue. Rewarded."

Chu Yuanzhou said impatiently at the side: "It's really meaningless to say that there is something. If I say this, if I explain that the king is not the birth of Concubine De, will I have to drag King Ming to confess his blood?"

Concubine De said angrily: "How did the prince talk?"

Chu Yuanzhou said disdainfully: "That's how I always talk. Is it the first day Defei knows me?"

Concubine De was choked, but Chu Yuanzhou said unhurriedly: "I think, for the sake of the orthodox blood of the Great Zhou royal family, if blood tests are really necessary, it is better to gather all the princes into Palace, and then inspect them one by one, otherwise it would be too unfair to Prince Jing."

The queen's eyes moved slightly and said: "I'm afraid this is inappropriate!"

Concubine De immediately angrily said: "Your Majesty is really good at talking nonsense. The concubines in the palace have never seen a man since they entered the palace. How can there be doubts about the bloodlines of the princes?"

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't Qin promise also a woman in the palace? Don't you see other men too? Then why do you still doubt Prince Jing's bloodline?"

Concubine De angrily said: "How can Ben Gong and Qin Xu promise to be on the same level, she does not abide by women's morals and deliberately seduces, and Ben Gong has a dignified character, how could she do such a thing!"

Chu Yuanzhou laughed when he heard the words: "Concubine De, who claims to be dignified, is she deceiving Qin Xu that she has passed away for many years and cannot come out to speak? Concubine De and Qin Xu are both concubines of the emperor, so what is the essential difference? "

Concubine De was speechless for a moment, her face flushed with anger.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes slanted slightly and said: "I remember that I heard people say that Concubine De once had a confidante before entering the palace, and she was already talking about marriage at that time, but later the emperor ordered Concubine De Entering the palace to become a concubine, that marriage is over now, Concubine De, you must not admit it now, but I remember that person seems to be called Chen Daotong, if Concubine De is interested, I don’t mind inviting Chen Daotong into the palace It's a good time to get to know Concubine De."
Concubine De's face turned pale with anger, but she couldn't refute it. She and Chen Daotong had indeed had a relationship once, and Chu Yuanzhou messed up everything.

She could only say sullenly at the moment: "That was before Bengong entered the palace. I have never seen him since entering the palace!"

"That's right!" Chu Yuanzhou said unhurriedly: "You also said that you have not contacted him, who can testify for you?"

Concubine De felt that no matter how many reasons she had when she met Chu Yuanzhou, she couldn't explain it clearly. She was so angry that she burst into tears and said, "Queen Mother, please make the decision for me. Your son is simply creating something out of nothing!"

(End of this chapter)

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