Chapter 1942 Chaos
After hearing Chu Yuanzhou's words, the queen mother had other thoughts in her heart, and then took a look at Chu Yi, who was standing there with a unparalleled demeanor, and she suddenly thought about it, and she said slowly: "The Ai family thinks what Yuanzhou said is true. Reasonable, if only King Jing is tested, if Prince Jing is the emperor's own son, then he will not be able to hold his head up in front of the courtiers in the future, so if you want to test, all the princes should be tested together!"

The queen mother said so, and Concubine De can no longer object, but this matter is somewhat different from her previous plan, but as long as Chu Yi is within the scope of blood test, she still has ways to deal with it.

Concubine De had no choice but to say softly: "The empress mother is right."

There was a hint of shrewdness in the queen's eyes, but she also echoed: "It's still the queen mother who is considerate."

The Empress Dowager's eyes deepened. She had experienced many things in her life. She had spent a lot of time when the emperor ascended the throne earlier. She didn't expect that when her grandson ascended the throne, she would have to worry about it.

She sighed almost inaudibly. Under the glamorous appearance of the royal family, she has endured much more than outsiders imagined.

In the royal family, there are many more things to face, and those things, in the final analysis, there are only two words to describe them, and that is cruelty.

The queen mother closed her eyes lightly, and then slowly ordered: "Then what are you doing here in a daze, why don't you go and invite all the princes here?"

As soon as her words fell, a eunuch had already stood up, answered and went to invite the princes.

Chu Yi has been standing there without speaking, just looking at Qin Zhi with cold eyes.

Qin knew that he was also a little scared at this time, he couldn't help but glanced at Concubine De, but seeing Concubine De sitting there calm and calm, he was a little relieved, but said softly to Chu Yi: "Yi'er... ..."

"Shut up." Chu Yi said in a cold voice: "Your identity is unknown now, this king is a majestic prince, how can you call the name Yi'er?"

Qin Zhi was forced by his aura, and felt a little scared in his heart, but he still cheered up and said: "I know you were raised as a prince, and you must not be able to accept such a big deviation now, but it has been a long time. That's all right, don't worry, my uncle still has a few acres of Susukida, and he will definitely not let you starve."

Chu Yi's face immediately sank when he heard the words, he stared at Qin Zhi coldly and said: "I don't know who you are, but even if I am not the biological son of my father, I don't need you to raise me. You don't have to behave in front of me. If after today's inspection, this king is indeed the biological son of my father, you will be the first person I want to kill!"

Chu Yi was originally cold, but what he said was even more satisfying and murderous, which frightened Qin Zhile a lot. Qin Zhile is also an old bastard who has seen the world, but he has never seen anyone like Chu Yi , I can't help feeling a little scared.

He knew that Chu Yi said he wanted to kill him at this time, so if it turns out that he really lied, it would be a dead end.

He couldn't help but reached out and touched his forehead, which was covered with dense beads of sweat.

After Chu Yi saw his appearance, his eyes became a little colder, but there was no warmth.

Yunqian saw the interaction between Chu Yi and Qin Zhile just now, and saw Qin Zhile look at Concubine De from time to time, her heart was clear, she had already seen this situation clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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