Chapter 1962 Preparing to force the palace
Chu Mo took a breath, and finally let go of his hand, and Yunyan's body fell heavily on the ground.

Chu Mo didn't look at her again, and only ordered indifferently: "Come on, take her body down to this king!"

When the guards outside saw Yun Yan's death, they were all shocked, but no one dared to ask a word, so they just dragged Yun Yan down as promised.

One of Chu Mo's counselors came in and saw this scene and was stunned for a moment, but quickly came back to his senses and said: "My lord, everything has been prepared, as long as the lord gives us an order, we can act."

Chu Mo nodded slightly, but then asked: "Are you ready for those things in the big camp outside Beijing? How long will it take for them to come to meet us?"

Over the years, Chu Mo has put a lot of thought into many things. He has arranged everything. Although he had never thought about forcing the palace before, he had prepared for it. There are few soldiers, just for the arrival of this day.

He felt that as long as those soldiers were facing him, then he would have more than [-]% chance of winning in forcing the palace today.

The counselor said softly: "The arrangements have been made, and we will wait for the prince's arrangement."

Chu Mo was extremely satisfied with this result. He glanced at the counselor and said, "If this king ascends the throne, you will be the greatest hero, and this king will definitely reward you a lot."

The counselor happily said: "Thank you, my lord, it is my honor to be able to work for my lord."

Chu Mo nodded lightly and said, "Go down and prepare, we will attack in the next hour."

The counselor responded and then retreated. Chu Mo breathed a sigh of relief again. He seemed to have seen success beckoning to him. He must seize the entire palace before the queen mother announced that he was not the emperor's own son. To be a legitimate monarch!

Yun Yan also heard the commotion outside in the yard. Last time when Yun Jingyan died, she was beaten up by the concubines of the Yunfu, and her leg was seriously injured. She just saw her after so long. good.

Her heart is full of jealousy and hatred, but with her current situation, she knows that she can't do anything, she has always been a little unwilling in her heart, but she can only bear it by herself.

Because of the anger in her heart, her temper became bad a lot, and she often beat and scolded the maids around her, and those maids were all bruised.

Yun Yan heard that it was too noisy outside, and she asked the maid beside her to watch but she didn't come back for a long time. She felt a little anxious, so she went out to have a look, not wanting to see the guards carrying Yun Yan's body down as soon as she came out.

When she saw Yunyan's body, she was shocked at first, and then felt a little happy. She pulled a guard and asked, "What's the matter with the third lady?"

The guard knew that she and Yun Yan were sisters, and also knew that the two had always been at odds, so he explained immediately: "She angered the prince today, and the prince broke her neck in a fit of anger."

Yun Yan felt a little fear in her heart when she heard the words, she said softly: "What did she do to make the prince so unhappy that he even pinched her neck?"

"I don't know about that either." The guard glanced at her and said, "Princess, you'd better not provoke the prince today. The prince seems to be in a very bad mood today, and many people have been scolded just now."

(End of this chapter)

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