Chapter 1963
As soon as the guard finished speaking, he continued to pull Yunyan's body down.

However, Yun Yan already had some concerns in her heart. There was no husband and wife relationship between her and Chu Mo these years. If she had some thoughts on Chu Mo at first and wanted to please him, the series of incidents that happened later After the incident, she had completely given up on Chu Mo.

She wants to leave than Yunyan and Chu Mo, and she is also smarter than Yunyan, and she knows a little bit about the affairs of the prince and the palace. At this time, seeing the battle in the palace, she knows that something big is going to happen.

Yun Yan's eyes turned slightly, thinking that this is the best time to leave Prince Ming's Mansion.

She knew that Chu Mo didn't have her in his heart, and even hated her very much, so she knew that if Chu Mo could really become the emperor, he would not make her his empress. Into the limbo.She used to walk in the palace often, knowing that the cold palace is not a place for people to stay at all.

If Chu Mo does not become the emperor, judging from the battles that have taken place today, he will definitely be punished extremely severely. Although she is not favored, she is his concubine. If he is unlucky, she will also be unlucky.

So Yunyan felt that it was the best choice to leave the palace at this time, and at this time the palace was in chaos, she could still get something by taking advantage of the chaos.

So she managed to get the key to the warehouse in the palace from the steward, and then took some valuable pieces of her dowry back then, and then wrapped up a box of gold in the palace, and then took her usual dowry. Take all those jewelry away.

After preparing these, she changed into a set of men's clothes, painted her face black, slipped out through the back door while the palace was in chaos, managed to hire a carriage, and decided to leave the capital.

It's just that when she walked to the gate of the city, she found that the city gate was under martial law. She had so many valuable things on her body, and in addition, she couldn't get out no matter what in her life dressed as a man.

Yun Yan secretly called it unlucky, so she had no choice but to ask the coachman to turn back and find an inn to stay at first, but when she was looking for an inn, she had other thoughts when the carriage passed the Chu Palace.

She was down to this point thanks to Yunqian, and now Yunqian is living a comfortable life, but she is going to die, she has too much unwillingness in her heart, she gritted her teeth secretly, and decided to leave the capital before she left the capital. In any case, Yun Qian must be destroyed!
Her hatred for Yunqian cannot be expressed in words. She used to think that Yunqian was protected by Chu Yuanzhou, and it would be difficult for her to hurt Yunqian, but the situation is different now. , there must be turmoil in Chu Palace, then she will have a chance.

Furthermore, Yun Qian is pregnant now, so it is not difficult to get rid of Yun Qian.

Thinking of this, Yun Yan became more hesitant, and immediately chose an inn that was very close to the Chu Palace, where she could see what happened at the gate of the Chu Palace.

Chu Mo had already prepared everything, and he only started to act when the time came. His eyes suddenly became dim, but Chu Han walked in with a wine jar in his arms.

Chu Mo now has some hatred for everyone, but he can't hate Chu Han no matter what. He knows how much Chu Han has done for him over the years. He sighed lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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