Chapter 1974

Chu Yuanzhou shook his head lightly and said: "When the emperor was seriously ill, he gave me all the rights in his hands. Now I can be said to cover the sky with one hand in Beijing. Although the ministers in the court are afraid of me The power dare not say anything, but I know they must have a lot of thoughts in their hearts. You are not a monarch now, so you don’t think there is anything wrong with having so many rights in my hands, but when you become the emperor, these You have to think about things, it won’t be a good thing for you if I am in court.”

"You think of me too complicated and narrow." Chu Yi said leisurely: "If you want Jiangshan, I can give you this piece of Jiangshan."

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "Please forgive me! I have been so tired that I want to die these few years, and I have broken my heart for those tedious things. If you really want me to be the emperor, I will not be bored to death!"

Chu Yi glanced at him, his eyes deepened, and Chu Yuanzhou said again: "I think it is definitely a hard job to be an emperor. Only people with a firm and steady mind can endure that hardship. I am a lazy person. I can bear it for a year, but after a long time, I will go crazy! And you are completely different, you can bear the loneliness when you were alone in Ningde, but I can't live through it no matter what. "

Chu Yi smiled helplessly when he heard the words.

Chu Yuanzhou reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "Go to the palace, there are still many things waiting for you to deal with in the palace."

"Aren't you going with me?" Chu Yi glanced at him and said.

Chu Yuanzhou snorted softly and said, "Go together? Just kidding, I'm going to comfort my frightened lady now, so I won't accompany you! I believe that with your ability, dealing with palace affairs is a piece of cake. "

After he finished speaking, he entered Chu Palace with a grin, and Chu Yi sighed lightly.

After Chu Yuanzhou left, Chu Yi raised his head and glanced at the night sky. At this time, the clouds and mists had parted, and half a crescent moon emerged from the clouds.

Chu Yi jumped on the horse, took a look at the Chu Palace, and rode away.

When Chu Yuanzhou walked into the second gate, he saw King Chu sitting on a stone table beside him, and he came over and said softly, "Have you thought about it?"

"Yeah." Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile: "As soon as Ah Yi ascends the throne, I will take Qianqian to the south of the Yangtze River. She said that there are unparalleled beautiful scenery over there, with flowers blooming in spring, cicadas singing in summer, red maple trees in autumn, and beautiful scenery in winter." There is light snow, which is much more natural and beautiful than the scenery in the capital."

There was a hint of thought in King Chu's eyes, and he said softly: "That's okay, the old house of Baifu is in the south of the Yangtze River, and your mother has said many times that she wants to go back, but I have never been free, so I should go back with her."

Chu Yuanzhou was slightly startled and said, "Father doesn't want the throne?"

"You don't even want the throne, so what am I going to do?" The King of Chu smiled and said, "I have never had a day off in my half my life as a soldier. I have spent my days calculating and worrying about this worry every day. So, what do you want this false name for?"

Chu Yuanzhou slightly raised his eyebrows, the King of Chu glanced at him again and said, "You kid, don't you think about not taking me with your mother and concubine? You won't be so heartless!"

Chu Yuanzhou touched his nose and said, "I really think so, what is conscience?"

The King of Chu gave him a hard look and said, "You bastard, don't even think about leaving me and your mother behind, I'm waiting for you to take care of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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