Chapter 1975
Hearing the words of King Chu, Chu Yuanzhou somehow warmed his heart. He smiled slightly and said, "You will retire when you are only [-]. It is not because you did too many ridiculous things when you were young, and then washed your body away. It's empty!"

The King of Chu immediately widened his eyes when he heard the words, and said, "You bastard, what are you talking about!"

"I've always talked like this." Chu Yuanzhou took it for granted: "Your yelling just now was full of anger. What's there to care for? Go on with your happy life and don't disturb mine."

King Chu glared at him, but he had already walked away with a smile on his own.

The King of Chu snorted softly at his back and said, "If you want to leave me alone, there is no door! I will follow you wherever you go in the future!"

The King of Chu’s voice was not too loud, but Chu Yuanzhou could hear it clearly. The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and there was a faint smile in his eyes. Since Lu Zhu’s death three years ago, although the father and son still bickered every day, We quarrel every day, but the relationship has improved a lot.

He can also feel the King Chu's concern for him.

There was a faint warmth in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes, and now as long as Chu Yi ascends the throne, he can really live his happy life.

After Chu Yuanzhou returned to his room, Yunqian was talking to Nangong Wushuang, when Yunqian saw him coming back, he hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

"Is there anything you can't figure out, your husband is out?" Chu Yuanzhou asked Yunqian with a slight smile.

Nangong Wushuang couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, Chu Yuanzhou turned his head to Nangong Wushuang and said, "Why are you laughing, I'm good at first, as long as you like Ah Yi, don't be tempted by him."

"The son is really good at joking. In my eyes, the son is good, but in my heart he is far inferior to Prince Jing."

She remembered that when she came to Dazhou, King Tuoyin asked her to marry Chu Yuanzhou. Now that she thinks about it, she feels very lucky, that is, it was a mistake at that time that made her marry Chu Yi.

"Although I don't like hearing your words very much, I'm still very happy in my heart." Chu Yuanzhou smiled.

Martial law has been imposed outside, Chu Yi went to the palace to deal with the aftermath, and could not come to pick up Nangong Wushuang, Yunqian arranged Nangong Wushuang to live in the wing room of the palace, and after all the arrangements were made, Yunqian went back to the room to rest.

As soon as she entered, Chu Yuanzhou gently held her in his arms and said: "Qianqian, once the things here are over, we can go to Nangong to live a free life. As early as three years ago, I was in Huzhou I bought a big house, there is a big lake at the door, and willows are planted by the lake, where flowers bloom all the year round and the climate is warm, you will definitely like it."

Chu Yuanzhou once mentioned the matter of buying a house to Yunqian, but she never paid much attention to it. At this moment, she felt warm when she heard his arrangement. She said softly, "When Prince Jing ascends the throne Shall we just leave?"

"Yes." Chu Yuanzhou said softly: "You asked me before if I was worried about Ah Yi. To be honest, I was worried about it for a while, but I felt that it was useless to worry about it. It's better to show my sincerity."

The corner of Yunqian's mouth slightly raised and said: "You can arrange these things."

She knew that even if Chu Yuanzhou said this, he would still be on guard, and Chu Yi was a noble character, so he would never do such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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