Chapter 1997: Qionghua outside the episode (5)

There was more helplessness in Cui Cheng's eyes. On this day, he was depressed and went to drink with Niu Sheng, an official who stayed in Beijing with him in high school. As soon as the two met, Niu Sheng cupped his hands and said, "Brother Cui is so lucky. Princess Hua is such a virtuous wife, in order to help your childhood sweetheart's family get rid of crimes, she did not hesitate to quarrel with Zhang Shilang, and then sent them out of the capital."

Cui Cheng was shocked and said, "Qiao'er's family sells smuggled salt? How is it possible?"

"What? Don't you know about this?" Niu Sheng said curiously: "This matter has been filed, and the princess asked Zhang Shilang to withdraw the case."

Cui Cheng remembered the impulsiveness that day, and his heart was full of regret, so he turned away without drinking at the moment.

Niu Sheng said loudly, "Have you stopped drinking?"

"I'll treat you to a drink some other day." When Cui Cheng said this, he had already walked away.

When Cui Cheng returned to Cui's mansion, the door was already bolted, he patted the door, and the porter hurriedly opened the door when he saw him, and ran directly to Qionghua's room after he came in.

There was no lamp in the room, it was pitch black, it seemed that Qionghua had already fallen asleep.

Cui Cheng walked to the door of the room and wanted to push the door open. Thinking of Qionghua's temperament, he felt that it was his fault after all. He hesitated for a while, and said to himself: "It's best to accompany her when the sun rises tomorrow." Apologize."

He hesitated for a while, but finally turned his head and left. He remembered the jade pendant he threw into the pond that day, and immediately jumped down. After searching in the pond for most of the night, he finally found the jade pendant.

He planned to go to Qionghua to accompany him after dawn, didn't he.

It's just that he is a frail scholar after all, soaked in the pond for too long at night, and felt dizzy when he woke up in the morning, as if he had contracted a few colds. A messenger came to report that an envoy from Xiliang had entered the capital, and Prime Minister Ye asked him to go to the Ministry of Rites to help.

Cui Cheng had no choice but to go to the yamen first while sick, thinking that it would not be too late to apologize to her when he came back later.

After hearing the news of Cui Chengye's return, Qionghua felt dark. Although he returned home, he never even saw her, and went directly to the Yamen!

Caiyu comforted her and said: "Princess, the son-in-law will leave early in the morning because he has something to do, so don't think too much about it."

Qionghua said softly: "You don't need to comfort me. I know how much he hates me. I originally forced this marriage. It's normal for him to hate me. It's just that no matter how much he hates me, I'm still his wife. He doesn't want to see me. Me, I'll find him myself! Caiyu, you go with me."

Caiyu sighed softly, but she couldn't persuade her any more, she glanced at Qionghua who had lost a lot of weight, secretly felt distressed, she responded lightly, cleaned up a little, and then accompanied Qionghua out the door.

It wasn't until they arrived at the Yamen that Cui Cheng went to the post station when the envoy from Xiliang came to visit.

Qionghua hurried to the post station again, but as soon as she entered, she saw Cui Cheng was with a stunning beauty with eyes as bright as sapphires, and Cui Cheng's hand just happened to rest on the beauty's body.

Seeing this scene, Qionghua was instantly furious, she walked over and sneered and said: "Cui Shenshi is really a blessing! If you don't go home these few days, it turns out that you are staying in the gentle fragrance, but you are really a playboy. In just a few days, I forgot about your childhood sweetheart!"

She has never been so annoyed before, before he thought of Su Qiaoer in his heart, that's all, now he and Ling Ruan are on good terms again, how can she be embarrassed?
(End of this chapter)

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