Chapter 1998: Qionghua outside the episode (6)

Cui Cheng knew that Qionghua had misunderstood, he was about to explain, Qionghua's whip had already been swung at Xiliang Princess Ling Ruan, she said angrily: "I'll kill you bitch!"

She is the sweet girl of heaven who never gets what she wants. Ever since she married Cui Cheng, she has been restraining her temper. She planned to be a good wife and mother, but she didn't expect Cui Cheng to look for women outside behind her back. , how could she swallow this breath?

Ling Ruan is the princess of Xiliang, Cui Cheng couldn't let Qionghua hurt her, so he had to block the whip for Ling Ruan with his body and said: "Princess, you misunderstood, things are not what you think!"

"All men who do such a thing will say it was a misunderstanding!" Qionghua bit her lips with tears in her eyes and said, "Cui Cheng, I misunderstood you! Seeing that you are usually polite, you are actually just a beast in clothes. You are so kind, from now on if I let you go, I will not be Qionghua!"

After saying this, she waved the whip, turned her head and left.

Cui Cheng was in a hurry, and wanted to chase him, but he was very dizzy. If it wasn't for Ling Ruan's support, he might have fallen to the ground.

Cui Cheng quickly apologized and said: "I'm sorry, I just misunderstood, and please don't take it to heart."

Ling Ruan chuckled lightly and said: "I've heard of the name of Princess Qionghua in Xiliang, her temperament is really as delicate as the rumors say, but I can see that she loves you very much, it was just a misunderstanding, you Don't quarrel with her after you go back, just coax her well, and she will forgive you if you think about it."

Ling Ruan's gentleness made Cui Cheng even more embarrassed. He said softly: "Today, I was originally here to take care of the princess. I don't want the princess to take care of me. I'm really sorry."

Ling Ruan smiled and said, "I've grown up, and I don't need someone to take care of me anymore. Cui Shenshi doesn't have to be so polite."

Cui Cheng smiled slightly, made a bow and went back to Cui's mansion, but Qionghua was not in the mansion when he returned to Cui's mansion, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

He hurriedly asked the concierge where Qionghua had gone, and the concierge replied: "The princess hasn't come back since she left early in the morning."

Cui Cheng was in a bad mood for a while, originally planned to go to the palace to find Qionghua, but now he had a severe fever, so he had to find a doctor to treat him, he fell into a drowsy sleep after drinking the medicine, not wanting to When he woke up, it was already the afternoon of the next day, and Qionghua didn't return all night.

Cui Cheng was anxious, put on his clothes and tried to go to Qionghua, but met Ling Ruan at the door, it turned out that Ling Ruan was really bored staying in the post station, thinking of his and Qionghua's affairs, he came to visit.

When Cui Cheng saw that it was Ling Ruan who made the accusation, he said, "Thank you princess for your concern. I was very sick yesterday and I haven't seen Qionghua yet, so I haven't had time to explain to her in the future."

Ling Ruan asked: "I heard that Princess Qionghua has entered the palace, and I will also enter the palace later, how about I explain a thing or two to her for you?"

"No need." Cui Cheng said with a wry smile, "I'm afraid the princess will explain more and more chaos."

At this time, the sun was shining, making Cui Cheng even more dizzy, his body swayed and almost fell, Ling Ruan helped him up and said, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Cui Cheng said softly.

Seeing his appearance, Ling Ruan was a little worried, so she immediately said: "I'm afraid you won't be able to find Princess Qionghua if you look like this, why don't you rest in the mansion first, and then go to her when you recover."

Cui Cheng was anxious but had no choice but to follow her advice.

(End of this chapter)

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