Chapter 310 Don't fool around
"I'm wronged!" Chu Yuanzhou said with an aggrieved face: "It's obvious that the father doesn't want to recognize me as a son, and wants to break up the father-son relationship with me, so why did he become mine?"

"You just want to piss me off!" King Chu said word by word, "I won't let you do what you want!"

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows and said: "Actually, you really don't have to do this. You will only make yourself unhappy. To you, my son has always been worthless, so why should you wrong yourself so much because of face matters?" Woolen cloth?"

The king of Chu felt very sad when he heard his words. Chu Yuanzhou has always been his pride and his favorite son. Since that accident, the father and son have gradually drifted apart, and now they are incompatible .

Every word of Chu Yuanzhou's words was cut like a knife in his heart, but he knew that there was already a deep gap between the two of them. Although they didn't reach the position of death and death, no one could tolerate the other.

And Chu Yuanzhou has done a lot of stupid things over the years, and he is no longer as smart and capable as he remembered. He once despaired of Chu Yuanzhou, but he couldn't really give up.

In the end, he owed Chu Yuanzhou what he owed.

The king of Chu looked at Chu Yuanzhou coldly, and Chu Yuanzhou looked back carelessly. He only felt that Chu Yuanzhou's expression was very similar to when he was young.

Chu Yuanzhou knew that the princes were all sealed by the emperor's golden seal. It wasn't that the king of Chu said that if he didn't let him be the prince, he would not belong to the prince. It's just that Chu Yuanzhou was more indifferent to this palace of the prince of Chu than anyone else. Not much warmth.

The father and son looked at each other like this for about a quarter of an hour, neither of them blinked, and neither of them wanted to admit defeat.

At this moment, a steward's voice came from outside the house and said: "My lord, my son, Mr. Niu has come to preach, please come to the hall to meet him."

There was a hint of darkness in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes. He turned his head and walked towards the hall. The king of Chu was slightly startled and hurriedly followed.

After seeing Chu Yuanzhou, Eunuch Niu said a few polite words and said: "Following the heavens, the emperor ordered that Yuanzhou, the son of the king of Chu, is honest, intelligent and benevolent. The government inspected the case and immediately set out to thoroughly investigate the disaster relief in the Huaishui River. Earlier, the prince Yuanzhou raised a million taels of silver and brought them all to the Huaishui River. He also brought in twenty special envoys in brocade clothes to accompany him, rewarding silver and a thousand taels, and the top three. Wearing a flower bell, a pair of jade Ruyi, and a set of official uniforms!"

Such a sacred attainment made Chu Yuanzhou frowned, and he knelt on the ground and couldn't get up.

Eunuch Niu glanced at him and said again: "Young Master Yuanzhou, don't hurry up and receive the gift!"

At this time, Chu Yuanzhou was full of thoughts, knelt there without moving, and said, "I told the emperor earlier that I would never be an official. At this time, let me do eight government inspections. Forget it. Please, my father-in-law." Take Shengyi back to the emperor, and say that my fundraising this time is just a whim, but I don’t have any compassion for the people affected by the disaster in Huai River.”

Eunuch Niu was stunned and said, "Is your son trying to resist?"

Even though he knew that Chu Yuanzhou acted differently from ordinary people, it was just such an aboveboard resistance...

"Yes." Chu Yuanzhou answered very simply.

Eunuch Niu also knew his temperament, so he turned his head to look at the King of Chu and said, "My lord, if you resist, you will be beheaded. Please persuade your son quickly."

The king of Chu was already very angry when he heard Chu Yuanzhou's words, and immediately scolded: "Yuanzhou, don't be foolish!"

(End of this chapter)

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