Chapter 311 What to do with you
Chu Yuanzhou said seriously: "I'm not fooling around. I'm just an idler. Maybe I'm good at fighting wars or something. Disaster relief is fine. I can't do anything except kill people. I know I can't do anything. Well, if you agree to do it, you are an idiot. Besides, if I go to disaster relief like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to get back and get married before the eighth day of June, so I don't want to go!"

King Chu and Eunuch Niu were stunned when they heard his words. Eunuch Niu saw someone resisting for the first time, and Chu Yuanzhou’s reason for resisting was also surprising. It's monstrous, Chu Yuanzhou has that temper again, he's afraid he's going to have a fit long ago.

Eunuch Niu turned his head to look at King Chu and said, "My lord, what do you think this should be?"

"This sage will be taken over by me." King Chu said calmly, "I will try to convince my son."

Eunuch Niu heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Then I will trouble the lord!"

After the king of Chu took over the holy title, Eunuch Niu went back to answer his orders.

After Eunuch Niu left, Chu Yuanzhou squinted at King Chu, who said coldly, "According to your thoughts, do you want to accompany you to die with the entire Prince Chu Palace?"

"What does the Chu Palace concern me?" Chu Yuanzhou asked back.

King Chu closed his eyes, then opened them again and said, "You and Yun Qian's wedding date is set on the eighth day of June?"

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyelids and said, "What does this have to do with my father?"

The king of Chu was so angry that his chest heaved up and down, and he suppressed his anger and said, "It has nothing to do with me, but if you can deal with the matter on Huaishui and return to the capital before the eighth day of June, I..."

After a pause, he said, "I agree to your marriage with Yun Qian."

"Father, what is this?" Chu Yuanzhou said disdainfully: "I never need my father's consent to marry anyone."

"You have always acted willfully and recklessly, and indeed you have never cared about my opinion." Chu Wang sneered, "But if you really break up with the Chu Palace, it will not do you any good."

Chu Yuanzhou put his arms around his chest and said, "So?"

"So no matter how big of an opinion you have on me, there's no need to make things difficult for yourself." King Chu sneered.

There was coldness in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes, and the King of Chu said again: "If you resist this time, what awaits you is the end of the world, and there is not much loss to the Chu Palace. But you only have two choices, one is Take Yunqian to flee to the end of the world with you, and the other is that you will never see her again in your life. If a man really loves a woman, he will not let her suffer. "

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "Are you begging me?"

"I don't have to ask you." The King of Chu sneered, "It's not difficult for me to separate myself from you."

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were full of ice and snow, and the King of Chu said quietly again: "For you, whether I agree with you or not may have little effect on your marriage, but it has a great impact on Yun Qian. If I agree If you get married, she will be written on the golden book of the palace, and she will be the real concubine. Chu Yuanzhou, isn't that what you care about?"

Chu Yuanzhou looked at King Chu and said, "Is my father's conclusion too arbitrary?"

The King of Chu said coldly: "Whether I am arbitrary or not, you know best in your heart. With your wisdom, you know what is best for you. Also, Chu Yuanzhou, you are my son, what do you think? Thinking about it, don’t think I don’t know. Feel your own heart and ask yourself, can you really stay away from the officialdom?”

(End of this chapter)

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