Chapter 313 Invincible Scissor Kicks

Chu Yuanzhou knew that people in the royal family had always had ways to protect themselves, and they were all human beings, so he really didn't need to worry about that man.

After the two discussed some more things, Chu Yuanzhou returned from the original road. After leaving the restaurant, he found that he missed Yun Qian a little. she.

He showed an almost willful approach in front of people, but in the final analysis, it was to get the quota for this disaster relief.Although that matter was not done to the end, it was perfectly resolved.

However, he felt that it seemed a little unkind to involve Yun Qian in such a quiet manner.

Just thinking about it, he and Yunqian were about to get married, and the moment she agreed to marry him, she might not be able to escape this fight.

The reason why the disaster relief in the Huai River before became uncontrollable was because he manipulated it. During this disaster relief trip, several princes were trying to let their own people go. In the end, the spot fell on him. It was beyond everyone's expectations.

When Chu Yuanzhou arrived at Yunfu, Yunqian was instructing a few maids to hang mugwort leaves, and then he remembered that tomorrow is the Duanyang Festival.

When Yunqian turned her head, she saw his eyebrows raised slightly, and he laughed, as if she always had this expression every time she saw him.

She sighed softly and said, "How did the son come here?"

"I came here when I missed you." Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "I told you earlier that I don't need any reason to come to see you."

Yun Qian raised her eyebrows, handed him a red purse embroidered with the five poisons, and said, "Although I know you are more poisonous than the five poisons, but it's almost the holidays, so do as the Romans do, and you also avoid evil spirits."

Chu Yuanzhou reached out to take the purse, but saw that the snake was embroidered like a thread, the spider was even more shapeless, and he couldn't recognize the other animals. He pointed to the scissor-like animals and asked, "Is this one?" Invincible scissor feet?"

Please forgive his not-so-bright imagination, he really can't think of other words to describe it except scissors feet.

Huanyu and Shuxiu laughed at the side, Yunqian blushed, and frowned, "What invincible scissors, it's clearly a scorpion."

She couldn't even grasp the needle steadily. Yesterday, she saw Huanyu Shuxiu embroidering a purse, and when she got excited, she asked Huanyu to cut a purse for her, cut the top, and then she started to embroider according to Huanyu's pattern.

It's just that she really doesn't have the talent for embroidery. Although she tried very hard to embroider the pattern like that, the final embroidered product looked like this.

She herself felt that the embroidering was still like that. Shuxiu and Huanyu were both dumbfounded after seeing it, but they felt that it was rare for her to embroider once, so it was not good to pour cold water on her, and she was ashamed to say that she was not good at embroidering. Resembling, so it is unconscionable to say that it is very similar.

Yun Qian also felt like it, so when Chu Yuanzhou came, he threw it to him openly, not wanting him to expose the lie that Huanyu and Shuxiu had painstakingly woven with a single word.

Yun Qian glared at the two maids viciously, and they both laughed happily.

Chu Yuanzhou felt that it was definitely the weirdest scorpion he had ever seen, but suddenly remembered something, and asked, "You embroidered this?"

"What? Dislike it?" Yun Qian raised her eyebrows and said, "Just pay me back if you dislike it!"

Huanyu interjected: "Master, this purse was embroidered by my lady last night. Although the embroidery is not very good, it is also my lady's heart."

(End of this chapter)

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