Chapter 314

"What kind of heart?" Yun Qian said a little displeased: "It's just to pass the time with nothing to do, Huanyu, if you are in a hurry, you can embroider ten five-poison purses tonight, and you are not allowed to sleep until you finish embroidering." , Shuxiu, you are not allowed to help her!"

Huanyu immediately returned to the room with a bitter face, and Shuxiu also smiled and followed Huanyu back.

Chu Yuanzhou's gloomy mood suddenly became brighter, and it was rare for her to have such a time. Yun Qian stretched out her hand in front of him and said, "Give it back to me if you think it's ugly!"

Chu Yuanzhou stuffed the purse into his arms and said, "How can you take something back after giving it away!"

Although it was a little ugly, it was the first gift she gave him, and he wanted to treasure it carefully.

Yunqian raised her eyes to look at him, saw his smiling eyes curved like moon buds, revealing a touch of complacency, she bit her lip lightly, turned her head and went back to the room, Bai Mifan stood on the porch and screamed, pulling her neck. Yuan Zhou smiled, and followed Yun Qian into the room.

Huanyu, Shuxiu and the others all stayed in the side room very sensibly. Chu Yuanzhou sat generously on Yunqian's favorite rattan chair. Yunqian made a cup of tea for him, and he lifted the lid to see the inside It is in the shape of a plum blossom.

He came to her many times, and it was the first time she took the initiative to make tea for him. He took a sip and said with a smile: "Good tea, I didn't expect you to have such skills. You treated me so well today, is there something wrong? "

Yun Qian said with a smile: "There is indeed something I want to ask the prince for help."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Chu Yuanzhou asked.

Yun Qian looked at him and said: "Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival, I want to go to see the dragon boat, but my father will never allow it, so..."

"So you want to invite me to watch the dragon boat together?" Chu Yuanzhou's mouth curled slightly: "Unfortunately, I have to go to Huaishui tomorrow morning. If you want to watch the dragon boat, wait for me to come back. I will paddle a human dragon boat on the river for you.”

After Yunqian came to this world, she seldom went out to play, and she was also a little curious about tomorrow's dragon boat race, thinking that the two of them were about to get married, and it was time to cultivate their relationship, so she came up with this proposal, but she didn't expect her It was rare to have such thoughts, but he was not free.

She coughed lightly and said, "That's not necessary, it's the same when I watch it with Shizi next year."

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were deep, and he stretched out his hand to gently pull Yun Qian's hand, Yun Qian raised his eyes, he tilted his head slightly and said, "I'm going to the Huai River for disaster relief tomorrow, it's dangerous, so you don't have anything to say to me." say?"

"Your Majesty is extremely capable, no matter what dangers you think you will be able to trouble your Majesty." Yun Qian said with great certainty.

Chu Yuanzhou frowned and said, "If I go to Huaishui, it is very likely that I won't be able to come back before the eighth day of June, which will affect our wedding date."

Yun Qian's eyes brightened and said: "If the son comes back late, it's okay to postpone the wedding date a little bit."

Chu Yuanzhou said with some displeasure: "Could it be that you don't care about our marriage at all?"

Yun Qian bit her lips lightly and said, "I'm really looking forward to the son coming back before the wedding date, but if things can't be finished, don't rush to come back, safety first."

Chu Yuanzhou froze for a moment when he heard the words "safety first" from her mouth. He looked at her and said, "How do you know there is danger?"

"That's what your son said just now." Yun Qian said with a smile: "For me, I can only be safe if my son is safe, so I also look forward to my son's safe return."

(End of this chapter)

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