Chapter 317
Huanyu pursed her lips and said, "It's not that I don't have the courage to send it in, but I was disturbed by the young lady and the eldest son. The young lady is not happy, and if she asks me to embroider ten purses, I won't be tortured to death!"

Both Yunqian and Shuxiu laughed out loud when they heard the words, Yunqian glanced at her and said, "It's rare that you have that awareness, you don't need to embroider your purse."

Huanyu cheered, then shook her head and said, "I just finished cutting the cloth..."

Yun Qian smiled and said, "Then you can continue to embroider!"

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, according to the old rules, the Yun Mansion booked a box in the Fenglai Building in Linjiang early, and all the ladies and wives in the mansion could watch the dragon boat rowing.

It's just that among all the wives and ladies in the past, neither Yun Qian nor Mo Chou was included, but everything has changed this year. Mo Chou is in charge of the middle school in the mansion. Although Yun Qian still has madness, she is no longer stupid. , and got engaged to Chu Yuanzhou again, her status naturally increased as well.

Early this morning, Mo Chou had made all the arrangements. The carriage and other things had already been prepared. When she arrived at the door, she saw Su Qiaohui directing the maid to move things. As soon as she saw her coming, Su Qiaohui said, "Mo Chou , you bring the feather duster behind the door, there is such a thick layer of dust on the carriage, you are not afraid of being laughed at when you go out!"

Yun Yan said from the side: "Mother, Third Aunt is no longer your maid, she is still in charge of the middle school in the mansion for mother!"

"Oh, look at my memory." Su Qiaohui's words were exaggerated, but her eyes were full of disdain and she said: "Why did I forget this matter, Mochou is no longer my maid!"

"So what, the third aunt was born as a maid." Yun Yan said disdainfully: "Even if she is now in charge of Zhongfu by virtue of her seductive skills, she is still mother's maid after all. So even if she is in charge of Zhongfu now, But I can't even do what the maids have to do."

Mo Chou's background has always been a thorn in her heart, and now Su Qiaohui and Yun Yan are talking about this matter, and she has no way to refute it.

At this moment, Yun Qian's voice came: "Shu Yue, hurry up and dust off the carriage!"

Shu Yue responded and went to get the feather duster. Yun Qian smiled again and said, "Third Auntie is in charge of Zhongfu now. There are many things in the family, so it's impossible to do everything by herself. The servants also have time to dodge, but it's always good to be a mother." I don’t even know what kind of people I have been with for decades.”

Su Qiaohui's eyes burst out with coldness, but Yunqian said with a smile: "What did mother say just now? Did you forget that third aunt is no longer mother's maid? Mother, you are wrong, and third aunt is also a aunt." It has been more than ten years, and it has been more than a month in charge of Zhongfu, and my mother's memory is really too bad! She has forgotten all these things, this is a disease, and it must be cured!"

Su Qiaohui's eyes narrowed into a line, but Yun Qian said again: "When the third aunt got sick that day, my mother took good care of her, and the third aunt always respected her mother. Now that the mother is old and her memory is not good, if she thinks about it, the third aunt will also take care of her." I will do my best to heal!"

Mo Chou said softly at the side: "That's natural, my wife is not feeling well, it will be better if I talk about it earlier, the illness can't be delayed."

When had Su Qiaohui been ridiculed like this, she suddenly became very angry, Yun Yan said angrily, "Fifth Younger Sister's body is not well yet, why don't you stay in the room, what are you doing here?"

(End of this chapter)

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