Chapter 318
"Grandma asked me to watch dragon boating with my elder sister, saying that a happy mood is good for my condition. Does my sister have any opinion on grandma's arrangement?" Yunqian asked with puzzled eyes.

Everyone's face had been torn earlier, and now she doesn't need to be polite.

Weakness needs to be pretended, but it also depends on the time and place.

When Yun Yan saw her carrying the old lady out, she immediately didn't know how to respond, but she cursed inwardly, it was too shameless for Yun Qian to move grandma out without moving.

Su Qiaohui said with a slight smile: "Qian'er is the most favored by your grandma. Although Qian'er has been engaged, but has not yet married, it is very reasonable to go to see the dragon boat rowing. It is said that this year's Dragon Boat Festival is organized by Ye Fu. Ye Wuchen has always done things in a very appropriate manner, and I think this year's dragon boat is much more beautiful and exciting than previous years."

Yunqian only knew that there was a dragon boat race this year, but she didn't know who was running the dragon boat. Only after hearing Su Qiaohui's words did she know that Ye Wuchen was running the dragon boat.

However, Su Qiaohui's words seemed to contain another layer of meaning. She looked up, but only saw Su Qiaohui standing there smiling, as if she was just talking about something.

Yun Qian's eyes glanced at a dark red carriage by the side door, and she said calmly: "Mother thinks so highly of Ye Wuchen, and I think he likes him very much. Ye Xiang is an official in the same court as his father, and is the emperor's right-hand man. In addition, Yunfu and Yefu have a lot of connections, mother seems to want to marry Yefu, I wonder which sister does mother want to marry into Yejia?"

She shouldn't have asked about this kind of daughter's marriage. Today, Su Qiaohui mentioned Ye Wuchen's matter first, so it seemed reasonable for her to ask again.

Su Qiaohui said indifferently: "Of the many daughters in the Yunfu, only Qian'er has made a marriage proposal. None of your other sisters have made a marriage proposal yet. In matters of marriage, your father is the one who decides. Recently, the master often talks to Qian'er. Do you know if these things were mentioned?"

Yun Qian pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Mother was joking, I am just the daughter of the Yun family, the marriage of all the sisters, my father has always been a very well-mannered person, how could such a major matter be mentioned to me?"

Su Qiaohui nodded with a smile and said: "Qian'er's reconciliation is very reasonable. It's just that Qian'er talked about Ye Wuchen, which sister in the mansion do you think is the most suitable to marry into Ye Mansion?"

"Of course it's the elder sister." Yun Qian said with a smile: "Ye Wuchen has the reputation of the number one son in the capital, and just now his mother has been praising him for being smart and capable, so she thinks she likes him very much. The eldest sister is also the eldest daughter of Yunfu. Good name and talented name, in my opinion, Eldest Sister and Young Master Ye are a perfect match, mother, am I right?"

Yun Yan said with a dark face: "What is a perfect match? Fifth sister's words are too ugly. No one in the capital knows what happened before Fifth sister and Ye Wuchen. You are a concubine and don't marry, let alone I am a dignified concubine. female!"

Yun Qian said aggrievedly: "It turns out that my mother does not belong to the elder sister to marry into the night mansion. It is I who wronged my mother just now. Don't be offended by the elder sister." After she finished speaking, she saluted.

This sentence made Su Qiaohui very angry, even though she was only talking about Yefu's affairs, Yun Qian's words were very decent, but she had already stepped on Yun Yan's feet quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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