Chapter 319 Very Well Married
Su Qiaohui suppressed the anger in her stomach, but said lightly: "It's okay."

If she didn't have other plans, how could she give in so easily.

Yun Qian originally thought that she would have to speak harshly no matter what, but she didn't expect to stop there, which surprised her a little.She has fought against Su Qiaohui several times. She knows exactly what kind of person Su Qiaohui is.

The more calm you are, the more you think of ways to harm people. Today's trip to see the dragon boat will not be peaceful.

She took a step back, intending to end the subject.

Unexpectedly, Yun Yan said from the side: "Fifth Younger Sister seems to be very concerned about Ye Wuchen's matter, is it true that she has not let him go even though she is engaged to the eldest son?"

"In my heart, Shizi is the best man in the world." Yunqian replied calmly, "You don't need others to say whether you let it go or not, as long as I and Shizi are in the same mind."

Yun Yan was choked up by her words, but Yun Qian covered her lips and smiled and said, "Elder sister is very high-minded, she doesn't like Young Master Ye, I don't know who in the capital can get into the eyes of elder sister?"

"This is my business." Yun Yan said a little arrogantly: "I am a noble daughter-in-law, how can I marry worse than you!"

"That's natural." Yun Qian said with a smile: "There are only princes who are more noble than the princes of the Chu Palace. I think the eldest sister and the third prince get along very well last time. Is the third prince the eldest sister's favorite?"

Yun Yan said in a cold voice: "Fifth sister, don't talk nonsense here, it's nothing! The third prince's mother and concubine are not favored. My ideal person is someone who can inherit the great line!"

Yun Qian lowered her head slightly, and at this moment, she heard a simple male voice say: "Let's go!"

Yun Yan turned her head to look, but she saw a dark red, luxurious and unassuming carriage passing by the door of Yun Mansion, she immediately turned pale when she saw the carriage.

She recognized at a glance that the carriage was the carriage of the third prince Chu Mo. She took a lot of thought yesterday to tell Chu Mo her thoughts in twists and turns. Watch dragon boats.

Chu Mo didn't give her any response yesterday, and she couldn't figure out what Chu Mo was thinking, and she didn't know whether Chu Mo would come, but she didn't expect that Chu Mo would come to pick her up in person today, and she just talked to Yun Qian Chu Mo actually heard it all!
When Yunqian walked out of the gate of Yunfu just now, she had already seen the dark red carriage at the corner. She and Chu Mo had also seen it a few times, and they had seen his carriage as well.

At first, she was not sure whether Chu Mo was on the carriage, but she felt that there was such an opportunity, she would try it anyway, so she led Su Qiaohui and Yun Yan to talk about their marriage.

She had already understood Yun Yan's character these days, so she first angered Yun Yan with Ye Wuchen's matter, and then brought up Chu Mo's matter, and sure enough, everything was as she expected, Yun Yan directly got into her Go in the set case.

When she saw Chu Mo's carriage leaving, she knew that Chu Mo was angry.

Su Qiaohui saw that Yun Yan's expression was not right, so she asked, "Yan'er, what's the matter?"

"Mother, it seems to be the third prince's carriage." Yun Yan's voice trembled slightly. Ever since she got the name of trouble last time, marriage seems to have become more and more difficult. The words were blurted out, what should the third prince hear?
(End of this chapter)

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