Chapter 328

Chu Mo put one hand behind his back and said: "But I can see very clearly that Wuchen's talent is by no means inferior to Ye Xiang. It would be a pity if such a talent does not enter the cabinet."

"Into the cabinet?" Ye Wuchen raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "The third prince thinks highly of me. I am still young, and the cabinet is full of court pillars. Even though I have some skills, I am afraid that there is still a long way to go before entering the cabinet." , and the power of the sky is unpredictable, my father has already become prime minister, how can the emperor let two people from Yefu enter the cabinet?"

"If you want it, it's not difficult." Chu Mo said with a slight smile: "Father, the emperor always employs people on their merits. If you are capable and loyal to the emperor, it is not uncommon for Ye Mansion to have two people in the cabinet. "

Ye Wuchen's eyes darkened a bit, and everyone said that he was lucky to be born in a prime minister's mansion, because he had a father who ruled the world.

But to him, although this represented glory, it was not a good thing. He did a good job, and others would say that it was because he had a good father.If he doesn't do well, others will say he's embarrassing Yefu.

When Ye Xiang was young, he was a well-known talent in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Many people would compare him with Ye Xiang when he was young, to see which of the father and son was better.He wears the halo of the night face, but he also has his difficulties, but he is not as glorious as others see.

Seeing that he was silent, Chu Mo said with a smile: "Although Chu Yuanzhou has always acted insolently, and his confidante is known all over the world, he has never paid so much attention to a woman. You and Yunqian have been engaged since childhood. I went to Yun Mansion again to make an appointment, and I think I have met Yun Qian, and I know her quite well, and now I am also a little curious, what kind of woman is she?"

After Ye Wuchen heard Chu Mo's question, he said quietly: "Yunqian? What kind of woman is she? Did the Third Prince ask her about her appearance, her character, or her talent?"

"Ask all." Chu Mo replied.

Ye Wuchen's eyes were as deep as a winter night, cold and cold, and he said slowly: "She looks only upper-middle-class, and her personality is quite satisfactory. It's just that she has changed a lot recently. I don't know what she is. What kind of character is it? As for her talent, as far as I know, she is good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she knows the characters, and the characters in the divorce letter she wrote to me last time are very beautiful."

Chu Mo's eyes deepened a little, and he understood why Ye Wuchen wanted to marry Yunqian after retiring the engagement. She was fascinated by Ye Wuchen, so she just couldn't stop.

He was not interested in Yunqian's affairs at first, but when he saw her Yan and Su Qiaohui fighting against each other early this morning, he also became a little curious about her. Such a woman must not be described by such words as well-behaved.

His eyes deepened, Ye Wuchen glanced at him and said: "The third prince is also interested in Yun Qian?"

"I'm just curious, not interested." Chu Mo said lightly. He was only a little curious about Yunqian. He wanted help from Chu Palace, but he couldn't get hold of Chu Yuanzhou. She has always acted as if she was not interested in oil and salt, and she seems to have a good relationship with every prince, but it seems that her relationship with everyone is only superficial.

He thought for a long time, and felt that he could only start with Yun Qian.

If you understood Yun Qian, it would not be difficult to take Chu Yuanchu for your own use.

(End of this chapter)

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