Chapter 329
At this time, Chu Yuanzhou was riding on a tall horse in simple white clothes, with a piece of dog's tail in his mouth, and his eyes were full of wildness. He was a little curious about Yun Qian's expression when he saw the painting boat.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the smile in his eyes deepened.

The wind blows through his black hair, his appearance is free and easy, but the horse under his feet is blown by the soles of his feet, and the disaster relief team behind him are all moving forward quickly.

He had just separated from Yunqian, and somehow he missed him a little. He had never felt this way before. At this moment, he felt that someone was thinking about it in his heart. It was an extremely happy thing.

I just don't know if Yunqian is thinking about him at this time?

He thought of Yun Qian's appearance, and raised his eyebrows. She was always stubborn, and she would never admit it even if she wanted to.

He took the purse that Yun Qian embroidered for him from his bosom. To be honest, it was definitely the ugliest purse he had ever seen. It seemed that the rumor that she was not good at female celebrities was true.

It's just that this purse is extremely precious to him. It's easy for him to get a well-embroidered purse, but the purse embroidered by Yun Qian is absolutely unique in this world.

He looked at the five poisons that were embroidered in such a dissimilar way, and couldn't help but chuckle. In the whole world, she was probably the only one who could embroider the five poisons in such a way!

He thought of her expression that day, and his mood became happier.

Although the disaster relief work is very troublesome, in his opinion, it is not too difficult. Now he can only reach Huaishui as soon as possible, and then settle the matter as soon as possible, so that he can come back and marry Yunqian.

He used to think that he was just the wind walking between heaven and earth, and there was no place in this world where he could really stay, but after meeting Yun Qian, he wanted to settle down a little.

Over the years, he has experienced countless bloody storms, life and death, many things have become indifferent, and some yearn for the warmth of his own home.

And Ye Wuchen might not be too happy today, because he stole Ye Wuchen's limelight.

There was a hint of mockery in his eyes, whether he wanted to or not, he was finally involved in this fight for relegation.

After the dragon boat race, the family members of Yunfu had lunch in Fenglai Building. During the dinner, Su Qiaohui asked Mo Chou to serve everyone for dinner. Although Yunqian was extremely upset, she didn't get angry.

After eating, the old lady felt unwell and went back home to rest early. Yun Qian wanted to send her back. The old lady smiled and said, "It's rare for you to come out to play. All your sisters are here today, so don't worry about me. Get rid of the old bones, and Mama Lu's Shu Jing will accompany me back home."

Yunqian nodded slightly when she heard the old lady's words, and the old lady turned her head to look at Su Qiaohui again and said, "The girls in the family are all old enough to discuss marriage, so don't delay any longer."

Su Qiaohui responded, "Don't worry, mother, I know how to measure."

The old lady sighed softly, looked at Yun Yan again and said: "Although Yan'er is the only concubine daughter in Yun's mansion, she is also the most outstanding daughter, but after all, she has reached the age of marriage, I know your thoughts , but the marriage of the daughter's family cannot be delayed, I heard that all the princes are here today."

Su Qiaohui understood her words to the point, and immediately replied softly: "Yes."

The old lady nodded and looked at Yun Qian and said, "Fifth girl is also watching to help your mother make up her mind."

(End of this chapter)

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