Chapter 330 Blind Date Conference
Yun Qian was quite surprised when she heard the words, but she knew that this was the real meaning of the old lady's keeping her, but she had no interest in Yun Yan's marriage at all, and Yun Yan could marry Quan whoever she wanted.

She said softly at the moment: "I think my mother has made an idea about the marriage of all the sisters. My mother has always had a good vision. I think she will definitely choose a suitable husband for my sister."

The old lady sighed softly, but didn't say anything more, letting Shujing and Lu's mother help her back.

Because of Su Rushi's out-of-shape figure, she also remembered Chu Yuanzhou in her heart. She was not interested in the blind date, so she told Su Qiaohui goodbye, and left with a group of maids.

When she walked to the door, she turned her head and took another look at Yun Qian, only to see that Yun Qian was leaning halfway by the window, her whole body was light and agile, and she was completely out of shape compared to her.

She couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, thinking that Chu Yuanzhou only had Yunqian in her heart, she stomped her feet resentfully, but swore in her heart that she would lose weight no matter what, and return to her former lightness.

Su Qiaohui frowned slightly when she saw her from the side.

In the afternoon, everyone went to Mingzhuang by the Qingshui River. Mingzhuang is the largest manor in the capital, covering an area of ​​more than ten acres. The weather in early summer was a bit hot, but it was covered with thick shade, but it was refreshing and pleasant.

There is an acre-square lotus pond in Mingzhuang. At this time, the lotus has not yet bloomed, but the green lotus leaves have covered the entire pond.

The lotus pond divides the entire Mingzhuang into two halves, according to the rule of men left and women right, and the women all take off their gauze caps, because across the lotus pond, the faces of the women cannot be seen clearly on the other side.

But because of the shadows and shadows, it has a special style, which makes people even more guessing.

It is only on this day every year, and only in Mingzhuang that women can take off their gauze hats.

When Yun Qian looked at this posture, she knew that this was an ancient blind date meeting, but it was done in a more subtle way than in modern times.

According to the previous rules, these men and women can write poems to each other as gifts to the women they like, and they can also show their talents at the poetry meeting and win the first place in the annual poetry meeting. Each man and woman has a place for the first place.

Usually, the men and women who come out on top will become the focus of the whole person poetry meeting.

Women can marry the person they like, and men can marry the woman they like.

According to the rules of Ye Dazhou, men and women were originally married by the orders of their parents and the words of matchmakers. About 20 years ago, the late Empress Renxiao chose a son-in-law for her eldest princess in Mingzhuang on the fifth day of May. After that, it slowly evolved into a blind date day. Mingzhuang is a royal garden, and it will be open to those who come to the blind date on this day.

Because this blind date can see the general appearance of the other party, as well as the talent of the other party, it is quite popular with everyone. The children of wealthy families usually delay their children's marriage until the marriageable age, and then reunite in early May. [-]. Find yourself and find the person you like in this day.

Because of this custom, there are a lot of people who come to participate in the blind date, and they are all from big families in Nengjing.

Since Yunqian had already engaged Chu Yuanzhou, she couldn't come to the blind date again, but because the old lady asked her to come, she also followed Su Qiaohui in. Someone had already prepared rooms for the ladies of the Yunfu.

Due to the outstanding status of Yunfu, the wing room of Yunfu is a single building on the far side, very quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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