Chapter 332 Overwhelming Poem

Yun Qian's eyebrows moved slightly, and there was already a chill in his eyes.

Liu Ying said again: "After Huanyu delivered the letter that day, I saw Zhihua lead the doorman away, and the eldest lady entered the master's room."

"It seems that I can't hide anything from Second Aunt." Yun Qian raised her eyelids and said, "Is Second Aunt trying to threaten me with this matter?"

She hated others threatening her the most in her life, Liu Ying was really scheming, and actually used this matter to threaten her at this time.

"Don't dare." Liu Ying said softly: "Miss Wu and I are on the same side, and there is absolutely no intention of threatening. Now I just want to ask Miss Wu to help Luoer compose a poem."

Her words were like this, and there was already a sense of order in her tone. In her heart, she felt that after this incident, Yun Qian would have to listen to her in the future. Thinking of this, her heart was already With a touch of pride.

It's just that she felt that this was not the time to tear her face apart, and she was being polite to Yun Qian, but she had other plans in her heart.

"Second Concubine wants to overwhelm Qunfang's poems!" Yun Qian raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Second Concubine thinks highly of me too."

"Madam has taught my elder sister the female red ring since she was a child, but she also asked the master to teach her how to read and write. As early as two years ago, she composed a good poem, which even the great Confucian Master Xu admired. Among the young ladies, there are quite a few talented people, but when it comes to poetic talent and literary talent, no one can beat the young lady. So if the fifth young lady wants to win, she can only win against the young lady!" Liu Ying looked at Yun Qian His eyes were deep.

Yun Qian smiled and said, "According to Second Aunt, I have to help Fourth Sister today?"

"That's not what I mean." Liu Ying said word by word: "Didn't Fifth Miss always want to step on Missy under her feet? Today is the best opportunity."

"It's a good opportunity, but it also made Fourth Sister turn around from now on. Second Auntie's calculations are very loud." Yun Qian said quietly: "But as long as I can step on Eldest Sister under your feet, I will never let it go. "

Liu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, then bowed and thanked: "If Luo'er can not be allowed to marry Young Master Su this time, Fifth Miss will be our mother and daughter's benefactor, and we will let Fifth Miss order her around."

Yunqian smiled lightly and said, "Second Aunt is serious, Shuxiu, go prepare the Four Treasures of the Study."

Liu Ying pulled Yunluo back respectfully, and the two waited outside the door.

Huanyu said softly: "Miss, do you really want to help Second Aunt? I always feel that she has malicious intentions. If I really help her this time, I'm afraid I will use such a thing to threaten Miss to do other things for them next time." .”

"I don't need you to tell me." Yun Qian said lightly: "Some people always think they are smart, but they do stupid things all the time. However, I would be happy to use her hand to suppress Yun Yan today."

Huanyu stopped persuading her after hearing what she said. Yun Qian's body was originally a talented woman with a lot of knowledge and talents. It is not difficult to write a poem with this body, but it is rare to have a new idea.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, remembering that before the time-traveling, those heroines used Tang poetry and Song poetry to make a big fuss. She has always been a little disdainful, but she also hates the ancients who always make poems wrong. If you don't steal the ancient poems, you can't cope with the knowledge learned in the document textbooks.

(End of this chapter)

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