Chapter 333
Thinking of this, Yunqian finally couldn't help but sighed softly. It seemed that what happened today was just a coincidence.

She glanced at the lotus pond outside the window, and there was a sense of deepness in her eyes, the green leaves all over the sky were so green, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she had an idea.

She pondered for a while in front of the paper, then brushed it off.

After she finished writing, she asked Huanyu to give it to Liu Ying. Liu Ying was from a bad background and could not read. Yunluo had read with Yunyan before, so she could read the poem, but she didn't know what was so good about that poem.

But she herself can't write poems no matter what, so she can only gamble now.

About an hour later, Mr. Xu, who was in charge of judging the quality of the poems, said in front of everyone: "The best poems written by men today are naturally Mr. Ye Wuchen!"

This conclusion has no suspense at all, and everyone congratulates in unison.

Ye Wuchen didn't take these compliments to heart at all, if Mrs. Ye hadn't repeatedly asked him to come today, he would not have come.

Master Xu said loudly again: "The fourth lady Yunluo of the Yunfu is the one who is the best at women's poetry!"

This answer surprised a group of people. When Su Qiaohui first heard the word Yunfu, she was a little proud. She felt that it was too easy for Yunyan's talents to beat this group of idiots in Beijing. When he said the word Luo, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Yun Yan has been preparing for today's event for a long time. She originally thought that the laurel crown should belong to her, but she didn't expect it to fall on Yun Luo's head!

Yunluo grew up with her since she was a child, and she knows how many abilities she has, but she never expected that Yunluo could write poems that would amaze Mrs. Xu. How could this be possible!

When Yunluo and Liu Ying went to beg Yunqian earlier, they just had the idea of ​​trying it out, and felt that there was not much chance of winning, but they did not expect to win!

She immediately felt the jealous eyes from all around, she stood up with a smile on her face, and when she saw Yun Yan's slightly distorted face, she felt a burst of relief in her heart, she was oppressed by Yun Yan for so many years, finally she had Opportunity can be elated, no matter who wrote the poem, she doesn't mind.

Master Xu said again: "Before agreeing on this conclusion, I discussed it with several other masters, and I think that all the young ladies today must be talented, especially the young lady of Yunfu, whose poems are also extraordinary, but Compared with the poems of the Fourth Miss of the Yunfu, they are a bit inferior and lack a bit of novelty."

Yun Yan smiled and said to Yun Luo: "Fourth Sister, I really didn't expect you to have such a talent, you really kept it hidden in the past!" She was smiling, but she wanted to slap Yun Luo over in her heart. Luo actually dared to steal her limelight!

Yunluo said softly: "Eldest sister is absurd, my talent is far inferior to elder sister, today is just a coincidence!"

"Is it really just a coincidence?" Yun Yan sneered.

Yunluo said softly: "It's really just a coincidence."

The coldness in Yun Yan's eyes became heavier, the smile on her face remained the same, she looked at Master Xu and said: "Madam is a man of great talent, admired by everyone, and has always been extremely fair, Master, can you let me take a look at my husband?" The fourth sister's poems?"

She was really curious about what Yunluo wrote.

"It's natural." Xu Fuzi said with a smile: "As in previous years, excellent poems will be posted for everyone to comment on."

(End of this chapter)

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