Chapter 334

As soon as Mr. Xu finished speaking, someone had already hung up the poem written by Yunluo for everyone to appreciate, but there was an impressive writing on it: "The gifted men and beauties of all dynasties have each led the coquettish for decades. Don't dare to compete with them. Only new poems are added to embellish the pen. New words and old poems have their own strengths, but the flowers take the lead. I don’t know where the lotus leaves are, and the jade poles are transparent. No one knows.

"This poem first said that I dare not compete with the ancients. It is euphemistic and quiet. But it also expresses the highest state of life. If you don't compete with others, you are the one who supports the jade between the lotus leaf and the lotus root. Don’t tell people about it, but stand on the surface of the water and see all the prosperity in the world, but you are willing to be a unique hermit, so that the woman is a person with real moral character and a real good wife.” Master Xu said quite appreciatively.

It turned out that Yunqian suddenly remembered some past events before writing this poem. Master Xu is an extremely conservative person who abides by feudal ethics and has strict requirements on those around him.

Such a person is extremely qualified to be a great Confucian of a generation, and it is in line with the mainstream of this society.

It’s just that such a person is also lonely and needs people to appreciate him. He has gained fame and fortune, and has cultivated many talented scholars. What he hopes most is not his talent or status, but other people’s praise. Unknown loneliness.

To put it bluntly, the main thing written in Yun Qian’s poems is the pole under the lotus leaf. First of all, when people write about lotus, they like to write about leaves and flowers, and there are also others who write about lotus root, but she doesn’t write all these, and only writes about lotus leaf. This is a novelty in Mr. Xu's opinion.

Moreover, the accessibility of the pole under the lotus leaf can also arouse Master Xu's sympathy.

This is also the key to the success of her poems.

Because Yunqian knew a long time ago that these word games are actually fun to play, but they are also tasteless. Many of these ladies are well-read poets, and their literary talent will not differ too much.

The difference is only those deep thoughts, that is, the wisdom that the world says.

Mrs. Xu's praise immediately aroused echoes from all around, Yun Yan was half-deadly hated, but there was nothing she could do.

And she could recognize the characters on it at a glance, they were not Yun Luo's characters at all, but Yun Qian's characters!

It was that one line of writing that almost destroyed her a few days ago!
Such a line of words was her nightmare, causing her to fall from the clouds to the bottom of the valley. Seeing you today, I naturally hated her deeply.

It's just that she is also Yunfu's daughter, if she demolishes Yunluo's platform at this time, people will inevitably make fun of the entire Yun family, and she will also be said to be intolerant.

Because of various things, even if Yunyan knew that the poem was not written by Yunluo, but by Yunqian, she couldn't dispel it.

Seeing her expression, Su Qiaohui asked softly, but she only gritted her teeth and said, "It's Yunqian."

The simple three words also made Su Qiaohui's face change. Her hand under the sleeve robe had already crumpled the handkerchief into a ball.

Since Yun Yan's reputation was ruined by Yun Qian's design last time, it has been difficult to turn the situation around. Originally, in today's poetry competition, Su Qiaohui was determined to let Yun Yan win the first place, but she was snatched away by Yunluo unexpectedly. How can the mother and daughter be reconciled?

It was even more annoying that the person behind the scenes was still Yun Qian.

(End of this chapter)

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