Chapter 338
Su Qiaohui said with a smile: "Qian'er is getting more and more stable. Recently, I see that you are doing things more and more to my liking, and the maid around you is also getting better and better. Looking at Huanyu now, she is really clever. Quite a few."

There are smiles in her brows and eyes, and she has the appearance of a loving mother.

Yun smiled slightly and said, "Huanyu has been by my side since she was a child, so it can't be called training, but she is loyal. Shuxiu was trained by grandma, so it's great. They are with me By my side, I also have a lot of peace of mind."

She knew that Su Qiaohui was going to make a move. Although she didn't know what kind of tricks Su Qiaohui was going to play, if she didn't accompany Su Qiaohui to act, Su Qiaohui wouldn't be able to continue acting, so it wouldn't be fun.

Su Qiaohui nodded lightly and said: "That's natural. I wanted to ask my mother for Shuxiu before, but my mother refused."

Yun Qian smiled, but did not answer, Su Qiaohui sighed again: "There are so many ladies in the mansion, only Qian'er is the smartest, don't worry about me, Luo'er, Yan'er, none of them let me Don't worry."

Yun Qian said with a smile: "The sisters are all smart, how can I compare with them."

Su Qiaohui shook her head lightly. At this moment, the door was knocked, and a maid walked in with a wine jar in her arms.

Su Qiaohui took the wine jar over and said: "I know that I had some prejudice against you in the past, and I did some things that I'm sorry to you, so I'm sorry to accompany you today, and don't take things from the past to heart. After drinking this glass of wine, What happened in the past will be revealed.”

After she finished speaking, she poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Yun Qian.

Yun Qian smiled and said: "Mother is serious. Everything my mother did to me in the past was for my own good. What's wrong?"

That's what she said, but she didn't take the glass, but looked at Su Qiaohui with a smile, but her nose was smelling the wine.

Su Qiaohui looked at her and said, "What's the matter? Don't drink my wine, but don't forgive me?"

Yun Qian shook her head and said, "No, it's just that my health has never been very good. The doctor said I can't drink alcohol. I rarely drink alcohol on weekdays, and it's really overwhelming."

Su Qiaohui smiled lightly and said: "I know that your health is not good. This wine is a special sour plum wine. It can beautify and nourish the skin. Drinking a little to activate meridians and collaterals will greatly help your illness."

Yun Yan also said aside: "Mother is reluctant to take out this wine on weekdays. There are only two jars a year in total. My eldest brother and I want to drink, but my mother refuses. Fifth sister, don't get it cheap and act like a good boy."

As soon as Yunqian heard Yun Yan's words, she knew that it would be impossible if she didn't drink today. To her, she was not afraid of Su Qiaohui poisoning the wine. To her, no matter how powerful the poison in the world was, it was just child's play for her. She wanted to see what tricks the mother and daughter wanted to play.

Anyway, she absolutely did not believe that the mother and daughter really wanted to reconcile with her.

Huanyu and Shuxiu also looked worried, but Yunqian said with a smile: "Eldest sister is serious, mother offered me such a precious wine, how can I not drink it?"

She reached out to take the wine glass from Su Qiaohui's eyes, and Su Qiaohui smiled and said: "From now on, all the grievances and grievances in the past will be erased, although you are not my own, from now on you will be like my own. "

As soon as she finished speaking, she drank the glass of wine in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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