Chapter 339
Yunqian sniffed the glass of wine lightly, and found that there was no poison in the wine, nor on the glass, but the wine in the glass was extremely strong, even though it smelled sweet, but the strong smell of wine I can't hide it no matter what.

If she guessed correctly, the glass of wine was mixed with at least five types of wine, and those wines mixed together are more detoxifying than alcohol and more likely to make people intoxicated.

I saw that Su Qiaohui put a lot of thought into blending the pot of wine.

This kind of wine can make a cow drunk, Yunqian saw Su Qiaohui drink it in one gulp, she also drank it with a smile.

Su Qiaohui watched her drink the wine, her face bloomed with a smile, and the expression on her face became more tender, and immediately she talked about something like a lotus flower, one mouthful of my son, as if it was really wonderful I like some clouds.

Seeing her acting, Yunqian felt a little funny, but she sat there very calmly, but the expression on her face became more and more crazy, and she also followed Su Qiaohui to talk about my good mother, and the two looked very good Mother and daughter love each other deeply.

Yun Yan has been sitting on the side watching, her eyes are full of disdain, after Yun Qian drank that glass of wine, her eyes are full of watching the show.

Huanyu and Shuxiu also noticed that something was wrong, after Yunqian drank the eighth glass of wine, Huanyu said softly: "Miss, you are not in good health, don't drink any more!"

But Yun Qian said loudly: "I don't know how to drink, my mother invited me to drink, how can I not drink?"

Huanyu was reprimanded by her words, so she knew that she drank a little too much. Seeing Su Qiaohui looking over with a smile, she felt even more anxious.

Shuxiu was also a little anxious, she said softly: "Miss, if the prince sees you drinking so much wine, he will worry for you."

Yun Qian said indifferently: "My son, he is a fart. If it wasn't for Ye Wuchen who resigned from my marriage, why would he have any business! Ye Wuchen..."

When she mentioned this name, she started to cry. She wiped her tears and cried: "Ye Wuchen is the worst bastard in the world! I have a deep love for him, how can he treat me like that! He even refunded my money." Marriage, where will this leave me?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she picked up the jar of wine and drank it all in one gulp.

Su Qiaohui and Yun Yan looked at each other when they heard that sentence, with a hint of understanding in their eyes.

Both of them were thinking, no wonder Yun Qian has been unwilling to marry Ye Wuchen, because she was so worried about Ye Wuchen's divorce!

This matter is really a good thing for the two of them, and they exchanged a look at the moment.

Shuxiu was frightened when she saw her drinking like that, and rushed to snatch her wine jar, but Su Qiaohui said coldly: "Master wants to drink, how dare you girls stop me! Someone is here, drag these two girls away!" Go down and clap your mouth!"

As soon as her words fell, Huanyu and Shuxiu were dragged down by a thick and strong woman.

Yun Qian didn't care about the two maids, she smirked and took a few sips.

Su Qiaohui's eyes became more complacent, but Yunqian suddenly stopped after taking a few sips, looked at Su Qiaohui and said, "Mother, why don't you drink?"

Before Su Qiaohui answered, Yunqian had already poured wine into her mouth with the wine jar in her arms. The incident happened suddenly, and Su Qiaohui unconsciously felt that she had taken a few sips.

She pushed Yun Qian away and said, "Qian'er, you drank too much."

"I didn't drink too much." Yun Qian smirked, but seeing Su Qiaohui's expression suddenly changed, she widened her eyes and said, "Ye Wuchen, why are you here?"

Su Qiaohui couldn't help being startled when she heard Ye Wuchen's name, but Yunqian wept softly and cursed: "You heartless bastard, how could you treat me like that!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she picked up the wine jar and smashed it on Su Qiaohui's head.

(End of this chapter)

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