Chapter 340
Although Su Qiaohui and Yun Yan knew that she was scary when she went crazy, they didn't expect that she was talking about Ye Wuchen one moment, and the next moment they thought Su Qiaohui was Ye Wuchen, and they just threw them over like this.

Both of them were caught off guard, and were immediately smashed. Su Qiaohui only felt a sharp pain on her head. When she reached out to touch it, it turned out to be bright red, presumably her head was smashed.

The blood was thick, the wine was thick, and the blood and the wine dripped down together.

Su Qiaohui's dignified and generous face was completely disfigured in an instant, bright red blood flowed all over her face, and when Yun Qian hit it, it messed up the hair on her head.

Her alcohol capacity was not good at first, but it was only because she had taken the anti-alcohol medicine earlier that she dared to drink like Yun Qian without getting drunk. It was just such a strong wine, and she couldn't hold it if she continued to drink like this.

She was still thinking, Yunqian usually doesn't drink at all, and she doesn't have any anti-alcoholic medicine, so how can she drink so much and still not fall down.

Before she could figure it out, Yunqian's wine jar had already been smashed down, and she was immediately bewildered.

Yun Yan was also taken aback, she hurriedly supported Su Qiaohui and said, "Mother, are you alright?"

Su Qiaohui said angrily: "Qian'er, why are you crazy? I am your mother! Not Ye Wuchen!"

Yun Qian gritted her teeth and said, "Fuck, Ye Wuchen, you are so shameless, an old man pretends to be my mother, my mother is so dignified and generous, how can you be so ugly? ?”

As soon as she finished speaking, she picked up the chair beside her and threw it down on Su Qiaohui's head. This time, Su Qiaohui was on guard, knowing that Yun Qian might have drunk too much and fell into madness again.

She hurriedly dodged, but even so, Yun Qian swept her foot, and suddenly a tingling pain hit her, presumably her foot had been hit by a stool, and it was probably swollen.

This is the second time for Su Qiaohui to be beaten by Yunqian. The first time was when Yunqian pretended to be crazy. This time, it was Yunqian who pretended to be drunk. He lay crookedly on the chair beside him and fell asleep.

Yun Yan stretched out her hand to hit Yunqian, but Su Qiaohui stopped her and said, "Slapping this bitch will only dirty your hands. After tonight, she will be nothing. Letting someone die is worse than letting someone die." Life is better than death! If you really hurt her, it would be a bad thing! After tonight, you can deal with her as you want!"

Yun Yan nodded slightly and said, "How does mother plan to deal with this slut?"

She was a little unwilling, but she also knew that what Su Qiaohui said was reasonable, and she was not in a hurry to beat Yunqian at this moment.

Su Qiaohui sneered and said, "Follow our previous plan."

The corner of Yun Yan's mouth slightly curved: "When this bitch Yunqian wakes up tomorrow, I can't wait to see the expression on her face to see what she is proud of."

Su Qiaohui's eyes were full of viciousness and said: "Lai Jie is extremely beautiful."

The mother and daughter were a little proud when they said this, and there were smiles on the corners of their mouths. Yun Yan took the handkerchief and wiped off the blood on Su Qiaohui's face. This lunatic hit him, he was truly a lunatic, and when he became insane, he couldn't even recognize people!"

Speaking of this matter, Su Qiaohui was a little annoyed after all.

(End of this chapter)

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