Chapter 346
When the two got out from under the bed, they heard the sound of even breathing in the room, presumably the two on the bed were already fast asleep.

Yunzheng asked softly: "The door is locked and I can't get out, what should I do?"

"Second Sister is tired and suffers with me today." Yun Qian said softly, "It's just that I can't get out through the main entrance, and there are windows."

There was a hint of worry in Yunzheng's eyes and said: "This room is in the wing room on the second floor. The second floor is nearly ten feet above the ground, and we can't go down at all."

"It's not difficult." Yunqian said softly, "I just saw that there were some sheets in the closet over there. We tore our sheets and jumped from the window."

Yunzheng's eyes lit up and said: "It's a good idea, but will it wake up the people on the bed?"

Her eyes were full of worry, if the person on the bed woke up at this time, she might cause some big trouble.

Yunqian walked to the bed, but saw that man's face was just buried in the shadow, and she couldn't see his face clearly at all. She didn't care at all who was on the bed. Last time Su Qiaohui used Su Dongyan, this time Even if it wasn't Su Dongyan, he must be a very incompetent man.

Her hand brushed gently over the man's face, she had given Yun Yan medicine just now, she was absolutely sure that it was absolutely impossible for Yun Yan to wake up.

After doing this, she said softly, "Even if the weather is falling now, they won't be able to wake up."

Yunzheng looked at Yunqian's gaze deeply, and asked softly, "Fifth sister, you seem to have changed a lot recently."

"When a person is forced into a desperate situation, there will naturally be some changes." Yunqian didn't want to discuss this matter with Yunzheng too much.

Yunzheng thought of Yunqian's previous life, and sighed softly. She knew since she was a child that Yunqian looks a little silly, but she is actually an extremely smart woman, and she has a photographic memory. Yun Qian learned everything from books.

Yunqian opened the cabinet, took out a sheet, and worked together with Yunzheng to tear the sheet into several pieces, and then walked gently to the side of the bed, the big bed was right next to the bed, and the two of them had to climb onto the big bed to get out from the window. Jump down.
Yunzheng glanced at the two people lying on the bed, a little embarrassed to go to bed, Yunqian chuckled, and climbed onto the bed first, Yunzheng hurriedly followed behind her, taking advantage of the moonlight to gently jump over the two people on the bed. people.

Yun Qian gently opened the window. Seeing that there was no one outside, she breathed a sigh of relief, then tied the sheet with a slipknot, and put the sheet down like a rope.

She whispered to Yunzheng: "Second sister, go down first!"

Yunzheng responded lightly, told her to be careful, and slowly crawled down the bed sheet.

Yunqian glanced at the two people on the bed, a sneer broke out from the corner of her mouth, Su Qiaohui had planned so many things carefully, if she didn't help Su Qiaohui, she would really be wronging Su Qiaohui for her painstaking efforts.

Adulterer and adulterer?Lost reputation?Su Qiaohui wanted to take away what originally belonged to her, and wanted to put her to death!If she didn't pay back, she wouldn't be Yun Qian.

The moonlight shone on her jade-like white face, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became even more intense. She reached out and took out several kinds of medicinal powders from her bosom, and then mixed them according to a certain ratio, and then sprinkled them lightly on the face of the two of them. above the lips.

The medicine powder was itchy on the lips, and both of them unconsciously licked their lips.

(End of this chapter)

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