Chapter 347
After finishing all this, Yunqian chuckled, and then climbed up the window. She turned her head and looked at the two people in the room again. The smile in her eyes was stronger, but also a little mocking.

Didn't Yun Yan want her to be ruined?Then she wants to let Yun Yan taste what it means to be ruined today!Everything Yunyan wants to give her, she wants Yunyan to taste it all.

When she climbed down, she gently pulled the slipknot on the other end, which fell off, and the whole sheet fell off.Except for the slightly open windows, there are no more traces to be seen.

Yunzheng was waiting for her below, and after she landed, she led her along the wall to the other side.

Things became clear at this point, Yunzheng didn't ask Yunqian what happened, on the contrary, her eyes were deep, and she could only see the gloomy brilliance.

Walking to the corner, Yunzheng led Yunqian into a room on the innermost floor of the first floor.

At this time, it was very lively outside, but everyone in the room had their own thoughts, and no one was walking in the corridor.

After entering the room, Yunqian glanced at the room and asked, "Is this room safe?"

"This is the room my mother let me live in. She never liked me, so she would never come here." Yunzheng answered while lighting the oil lamp in the room. Her room was the simplest, just a simple bed. The table and chairs, although it is a royal house, are for servants to live in.

Yunzheng is very quiet, watching the excitement today is just an act of going along with her. She wants to meet her ideal person, and she is afraid of causing trouble, so she doesn't even bring her personal maid when she goes out.

Although the light from the oil lamp was dim, the room was suddenly much brighter, which made the girl's face soft.

Yunqian nodded, she looked at Yunzheng and said, "Why did Second Sister help me today?"

Yunzheng looked back at her and said, "I didn't help you, I helped myself."

Yunqian was quite surprised by Yunzheng's answer, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that everything was reasonable.

Yunzheng looked away from Yunqian's body and said, "The concubine ladies in Yun's mansion all look friendly on the surface, but whether they do things behind their backs is not visible. What Simei did to you I know that I have persuaded her several times, but she can't listen to it no matter what. I persuaded my aunt this afternoon, telling them not to make troubles, and not to think about changing anything, but they didn't Listen, I guess it's the fourth sister's life!"

Yun Qian didn't expect that she was such a transparent woman, her eyes narrowed slightly but then became deeper, she said quietly: "I have never believed in fate, I believe that everything I have is obtained with my own hands. It's just that I never think about anything that doesn't belong to me, because that's called non-particular thinking."

Yunzheng saw Yunqian sitting there quietly, her eyes were calm and wise, she was only wearing a very ordinary silk gown today, and she looked a little messy because of the tossing just now, but Even so, it still couldn't conceal her peerless elegance.

She sighed softly and said: "Everyone in the world is chasing fame and fortune, and they all want more things, and those who are more greedy will get this or that, or think that everything in this world belongs to him. How many people can distinguish what is their own and what is right and wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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