Chapter 349 The Darkness of Officialdom
Yunqian didn't expect that Yunzheng would tell her her story, she was slightly taken aback, but she was curious about Yunzheng's affairs, so she asked, "Then what happened after that?"

"We will meet secretly when we come, and I know that although his family is poor, he is full of talents. He once won the first prize in the provincial examination and No. 1 in the provincial examination, but for some reason, when he came to Beijing to rush for the examination I have failed many times, and I have passed the exam twice, not to mention winning the first place, and I have never even been on the list." Yunzheng's voice was a little sad.

Yun Qian frowned and said, "If he is really talented, he wouldn't be like this."

"I thought so too. When my father was a bachelor, he presided over the scientific examination one year. Once I accidentally passed by my father's study and overheard something. Those students who were able to go to high school , have secretly sent money to the chief examiners. Of course, they are also very careful in doing things, for fear that the emperor will find out, so the students selected are from relatively good families and have some real talents. These officials in Beijing are really He is well versed in the way of being an official." Yunzheng said softly.

Yun Qian didn't expect the truth to be so, she said slightly angrily: "I really didn't expect the scientific research to be so dark."

"In the officialdom, everyone benefits from each other." Yunzheng said quietly: "Those so-called fairness are only superficial fairness in the final analysis. There has never been absolute fairness in this world."

Yunqian didn't answer, but Yunzheng said indifferently: "I know my father is a money-seeking person. If he doesn't go to high school, there will be no way for me to have a relationship with him. Even if he is in high school, I'm afraid I have to spend some time. Now it's too late. Well, it can and completely cut off my thoughts."

Yunqian didn't know how to answer when she heard the words, Yunzheng's calm answer surprised her slightly, she turned her head, only to find that Yunzheng's tears had already soaked the pillow.

At this moment, Yun Qian could better understand what Chu Yuanzhou had said to her, and she also felt that she was extremely lucky. Where will it be sold.

She called softly: "Second Sister..."

Yunzheng sniffed lightly and said, "I'm fine, the matter is over, and no one in my family knows about me, so I want to tell you today for some reason."

Yun Qian didn't know how to comfort Ping, she just sighed lightly, and neither of them spoke again.

Su Qiaohui watched the servant help the man into Yunqian's room in the depths of the corridor. She couldn't hide her satisfaction in her heart. When she saw the servant come out and locked the door according to her order, the corner of her mouth It's just not up to the sky.

As long as things progress to this point, she will know that Yunqian is hard to fly, and even more that if she wakes up tomorrow morning, everything that belongs to Yunqian will collapse. She would like to see how Yunqian will jump in front of her in the future.

She was hit on the head by Yunqian today. At this time, her head was tightly wrapped with a bandage. Because of the loss of blood, her face was slightly pale, but it didn't matter to her.

She had worked so hard to deal with Yunqian and Mochou over the years. She had seen success, but all of them were destroyed in a blink of an eye.No matter what, she would not allow Mo Chou to ride on her head, and even more so, she would not allow Yun Qian to compare Yun Yan.

Such a result is extremely suitable for Yunqian.

(End of this chapter)

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