Chapter 350

Su Qiaohui's eyes were full of complacency, and she hummed subconsciously at that moment. She was very dizzy, but she was a little excited because her heart was too excited, and she couldn't fall asleep for a while no matter what.

She heard the sound of fabric being torn outside the room, and the smile in her eyes became stronger. It seemed that although the two people in the room were completely drunk, they were still extremely vigorous.

She slowly walked back to her room, half leaning on the chaise longue to rest.

She sneered, secretly feeling extremely relieved, but suddenly remembered something, she seemed to have not seen Yun Yan for nearly half an hour, and she didn't know where Yun Yan went.

She heard bursts of laughter coming from the lotus pond not far away. It was the ladies and gentlemen of the famous families in the middle of the capital who were carrying out drinking orders. In the entire capital, only today can they be here so happily. Playing, after today, everyone has to be bound by various etiquettes.

Su Qiaohui glanced out through the window lattice, but saw shadows in the pavilion, and there seemed to be many people playing there, a bad premonition arose in her heart for some reason, and she hurriedly asked Ping'er to go to the main pavilion to have a look Is Yun Yan there?

She even scolded Yun Yan in her heart for being ignorant, at this moment, she still has the mind to play, after tonight, Yun Yan can play however she wants.

She was still cursing softly in her heart, but Ping'er came back and replied: "Madam, Missy is not in the pavilion."

Su Qiaohui was shocked when she heard the words. Although the entire Mingzhuang is a royal garden, it is not big. There are not many family members who will stay here tonight. Yun Yan knows how to do things normally. Where will she go tonight?
She asked Ping'er to continue looking, and Ping'er went out with a lantern. When she went out, she saw Chu Mo and Chu Han admiring the crescent buds in the pavilion, so she saluted and planned to leave.

Chu Mo recognized her as the servant girl of Yunfu, so he asked, "What are you looking for in the middle of the night?"

Ping'er replied: "Returning to Your Highness, Madam lost a purse today and asked the slaves to come and look for it. I don't want to disturb the two Highnesses. Please forgive me."

Chu Mo said lightly: "It's okay, there is no purse here. It's getting late at this time, you can look elsewhere!"

Ping'er responded, but he was already a little anxious, but he didn't dare to tell the truth in front of him.

She walked a little further with the lantern, but she was still looking around. Chu Mo felt that this was a bit strange, but he didn't pay attention to it. When he was about to go back to his room to rest, he saw Ping'er in the woman's house Li asked: "Miss Zheng, have you ever seen my eldest lady?"

Since Zheng Luoyu was repaired by Yunqian in the Yunfu last time, she even became a little angry with Yunyan, and said coldly: "I didn't see it, who knows where your eldest lady went. She She is unparalleled in beauty, I heard that there is a male fox in Ming Zhuang, could it be that he was dragged away by the male fox inside?"

As soon as she said these words, the women who followed them laughed a little.

Ping'er saluted lightly, then turned aside.

Zheng Luoyu smiled, and took a group of girls back to the room to rest.

When Chu Mo saw this scene, he also felt a little strange. Just now Ping'er said in front of him that he was looking for a purse for Su Qiaohui, but now he was asking about Yun Yan in front of everyone. Could it be that she was looking for Yun Yan?

(End of this chapter)

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