Chapter 372 Suspicious
A few days later, Yunqian received another letter from Chu Yuanzhou. This time, there was a dried butterfly in the letter. The color of the butterfly was extremely gorgeous, and it was the most beautiful butterfly she had ever seen.

When the butterfly was delivered, it was caught in the letter paper. As soon as Yunqian opened the letter paper, the butterfly flew out of it. At that time, the sun was shining in, and the gorgeous colors spread in the room at once. Very bright beauty.

This time the letter was very simple, only one sentence was written on it: "I will come back to marry you when the butterfly spreads its wings."

Seeing this line of words, Yun Qian felt a little weird, and suddenly thought of a sentence, when your hair reaches your waist, I will come back and marry you.

With a chuckle, she picked up the butterfly and put it in a book, seeing that Chu Yuanzhou's people were still outside waiting for her reply.

She took up a pen and wrote: "Everything is fine, don't read."

Since then, she has received letters from Chu Yuanzhou almost every day, some are long and some are short, some are sensational, some are about lovesickness, and there are a few longer ones that reveal a touch of sadness.

But she felt that with so many letters, it seemed that there were many Chu Yuanzhous, but it seemed that they were all him.

She received his letters every day, but she was also counting the days in her heart. Now that the wedding date of the two was getting closer, she was also counting the days when he would come back.

He wrote many letters, but none of them was about disaster relief, and none of them mentioned the progress of disaster relief, nor did he tell her when he would come back. I will come back to marry you."

The butterfly he sent had already lost its vitality, how could it spread its wings and fly again?

For some reason, Yunqian's heart became uneasy day by day. Her dowry had already been prepared in Yunfu, and the dowry was very rich. It was 120 or [-] pieces, and she was lying quietly in the yard at this time.

It was already the first day of June, and she hadn't heard any news about Chu Yuanzhou's disaster relief. For some reason, she began to feel a little anxious.

Standing in front of the pile of dowry, she sighed softly in her heart, but she heard Yun Yan's cold voice: "Fifth sister is looking forward to getting married every day?"

Yun Qian turned her head, seeing Yun Yan's beautiful face full of mockery, she smiled lightly and said, "I don't expect as much as Eldest Sister."

Yun Yan snorted coldly and said, "I haven't settled with you for that day yet!"

"Oh? What kind of debt does Eldest Sister want to settle with me?" Yun Qian raised the corner of her mouth slightly. What happened that night was originally planned by Yun Yan to harm her, so she wanted to hear what Yun Yan wanted to say.

Yun Yan's face suddenly turned ugly, as Yun Qian said, she couldn't speak at all.

Yun Qian was not in the mood to be pleased with Yun Yan's distorted face at this moment, she chuckled and said, "If Elder Sister has no other advice, I'll go back first."

When Yun Yan saw her smiling face, she felt it was a great irony. Before long, she was extremely proud. She is an extremely noble daughter-in-law, so how could Yun Qian trample her under her feet like this? .

She grabbed Yun Qian and said, "Wait!"

Her eyes were full of ferocity, her former dignity and beauty were gone, and her face was not as smooth as before.

"Elder sister, what else can I teach you?" Yun Qian raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

Yun Yan gritted her teeth and said: "Did you do something wrong that night?"

(End of this chapter)

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