Chapter 373 is not as good as it used to be
"Yeah." Yun Qian confessed: "Eldest sister is so deliberate in wanting to destroy me, and she has worked so hard for me. Elder sister treats me so hard, how can I not reciprocate one or two? The feeling of that night, come to think of it. It’s also ecstasy, but the eldest sister came to thank me today?”

Everyone is well aware of this matter, only the remaining layer of paper has not been exposed, so there is no need to hide it.

"What did you do?" Yun Yan's voice became three points sharper, and the hand holding Yun Qian was also three points tighter.

Yun Qian said unhurriedly: "It's nothing, it's just a reunion, how is it? Big sister, isn't it very cool? Many people saw your enchanting and charming appearance that night. It's a pity that Well, I didn't see what that man looked like that day, but the matter was arranged by the eldest sister and mother painstakingly, so I knew the identity of the man. After the eldest sister and the third prince got married, if the third prince treated the eldest sister badly, the eldest sister can still be with him That person secretly passed the song."

Yun Yan's face was flushed, and she said furiously, "Yun Qian, you are so vicious!"

"Vicious?" Yun Qian smiled and said, "Speaking of this word, I can't match Eldest Sister no matter what. If it wasn't for Eldest Sister and mother's painstaking planning, how could I have a chance? So Eldest Sister really doesn't need to thank me." , thank you mother and yourself."

Yun Yan's body trembled slightly, and Yun Qian's eyes were already sharp and said: "Whoever harms others will eventually harm himself. Eldest sister must have heard of this sentence."

Yun Yan had tears in her eyes and said: "But you did it too viciously! Is it you who spread rumors in the mansion this time?"

"Eldest sister thinks highly of me. I'm not that boring. Eldest sister is very clear about what she has done to other sisters in the house before." Yunqian said with a light smile, "You really think that everyone Did they really offer you up? In the past, when my mother was in power, they would not move, but now it is no different from the past. My mother is seriously ill, and my eldest sister has lost her reputation. Insufficient. Do you still feel that everything is still the same as before?"

Yun Yan's body swayed, and she naturally knew what Yun Qian said. These days, the maids around her are becoming more and more lazy day by day, and what they say to her is not as respectful as each day. It was easy to want her before. What is obtained is now extremely difficult.

Her eye sockets became even redder, but Yunqian said lightly: "Elder sister, you should let go of your hands. If the servants see it and hear it in father's ears, I'm afraid it will be bad. My father was still telling me yesterday that I Marrying into Chu Palace with eldest sister, and marrying the third prince, is considered to be married into the royal family, and we need to take care of each other in the future."

Yun Yan's eyes were a little blurred, but she didn't let go. If she didn't let go, Yun Qian wouldn't break free.

The two of them stood there like that, at this moment, a little girl rushed over and said, "Miss Fifth, the master wants you to go to the hall."

"What's the matter? Did something happen?" Yun Qian asked, Yun Jingyan seldom looks for her on weekdays, but every time he looks for her, there is something wrong, and in the past month, Yun Jingyan has pulled away He told her about marrying Chu Yuanzhou several times, and asked her to think more about Yunfu after she got married. By now, she was a little tired of hearing it.

(End of this chapter)

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