Chapter 374 Let her call off the engagement

If Yun Jing said that she still wanted to talk to Yun Qian about this matter today, she really didn't want to go.

The little girl replied: "I heard from the master that news came from the Huai River that something happened to the prince."

"What?" There was a hint of surprise in Yunqian's eyes. How could something happen to someone like Chu Yuanzhou?Besides, she received his letter yesterday, so how could something happen?
"I also heard from the old man that something happened to the elder son, and he asked me to find Miss Fifth." The little girl said softly.

Yun Qian didn't care about arguing with Yun Yan anymore, she broke free from Yun Yan's grasp immediately, and followed the little maid to the flower hall.

Yun Yan listened to the conversation between the two, her eyes were full of gloating, and when she saw Yun Qian leaving, she said in a loud voice: "Fifth sister, you have to guard your husband-in-law , Shizi has always been frivolous, and you are just a plaything to him, be careful that he gets tired of you and kicks you!"

Yun Qian directly regarded what Yun Yan said as farting.

When she arrived, Yun Jingyan's expression was very bad. After seeing Yun Qian, he said, "Qian'er, hurry up and write a divorce letter to Chu Palace!"

Yun Qian was slightly surprised when she heard the words: "Write a divorce letter? Dare to ask my father, what happened?"

The things in this world really happen in an instant. Yun Jingyan was still telling her yesterday that she should marry into the Prince Chu’s mansion properly. Help the third prince.

But when we met today, the first thing we said when we met was to ask her to write a divorce letter!

She felt that there would be no one in this world who was better at changing his mind than Yun Jingyan!
Yun Jingyan replied: "Don't ask so many questions, just write if you are told." There was a bit of urgency in his tone.

Yun Qian frowned slightly and said, "I don't know how to write a letter of resignation without any reason. I and my son are in love with each other, so how can we just say that we are retiring?"

In Yun Jingyan's heart, Yun Qian has always been well-behaved and docile. Except for the unexpected divorce with Ye Wuchen last time, everything else is quite satisfactory.

Originally, the divorce letter should be written by the parents, but the marriage between Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou is a bit special. The marriage between her and Chu Yuanzhou is settled by the two of them, and this time it happened very quickly. It's just that there are rumors that if he is the one to withdraw the engagement, if things change, then he will offend the King of Chu.

Yun Jingyan was always careful in doing things, he glanced at Yun Qian and said, "Of course I know that you and your son are in love, but this matter is related to the safety of the entire Yun family, how can you marry me because of your son and daughter's private relationship?" Putting the entire Yun Mansion aside?"

When Yun Qian heard Yun Jingyan's words, she knew that something must have happened, otherwise Yun Jingyan, who is only interested in profit, would not have said such a thing, so she said coldly, "Father, please tell me what happened? "

Yun Jingyan said angrily: "I am your father, can I still harm you? What do you know about those important national affairs? If you tell you to write, you can write!"

When he got the news early in the morning, he was already very anxious, and he didn't want to say more to Yun Qian.

"I really don't understand state affairs." Yun Qian said very calmly: "But I know that I will never write a divorce letter without knowing it. Where will my father leave me if I get married to the Prince of Chu's mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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