Chapter 375 Own Claims
Yun Jingyan slapped the table heavily and said, "Where did you come up with so many assumptions! You are a lunatic anyway, you once withdrew from Ye Wuchen's marriage, so what if you withdraw from Chu Yuanzhou's marriage? If Chu Yuan Zhou really didn’t rebel, so you just say that you wrote it when you were crazy, and it’s fine if you can’t count it.”

After hearing Yun Jingyan's words, Yun Qian's eyes were filled with coldness, and she said word by word: "It turns out that I am a lunatic in my father's eyes, so no matter whether I divorce or not, or what my reputation is, it is all because of that lunatic." Let’s start! It’s just that my father thought highly of me earlier, and let me marry a lunatic like the king of Chu’s heir! Father really worked so hard!”

Her tone was full of sarcasm, and Yun Jingyan also felt a little uncomfortable when he heard it. Anyway, Yun Qian is his daughter, and it's okay if he doesn't speak out about the thoughts in his heart. I feel that something is wrong with this matter.

He coughed lightly and said, "I didn't interfere in the matter between you and the son, and it's for your own good as the father's."

"Thank you, father, for your concern." Yun Qian raised her eyes and said, "As father said, my father hardly intervened in the matter of my engagement to the eldest son earlier, so my daughter would not dare to bother my father to intervene in future matters."

"What do you mean by that?" Yun Jingyan's eyes were full of anger.

Yun Qian said slowly: "I don't have any other intentions. I just want to tell my father that the marriage between me and Shizi was made by the two of us. If we want to divorce, we have to discuss it."

"After your discussion?" Yun Jingyan said angrily, "When Chu Yuanzhou returns to the capital, I'm afraid it will be too late. Do you want the entire Yun Mansion to die with you?"

"Father's words are too serious." Yun Qian's eyes were full of determination: "Although father has spies in the Huaishui River and saw the actions of the son with his own eyes, did the son say that he was going to rebel?"

"Throughout the ages, which rebel would say he was going to rebel?" Yun Jingyan said angrily.

"Then there is none." Yun Qian smiled lightly and said, "The emperor sent the son to the Huaishui River to provide disaster relief, and gave him the right to act arbitrarily. I believe he did that only for disaster relief, not for rebellion. Besides, if he wants to rebel In other words, before he returned to Beijing last time, he held more than a million military powers, and he didn't rebel at that time, so how could he rebel at this time?"

Yun Jingyan was stunned for a moment when he heard Yun Qian's words. What Yun Qian said seemed to make sense, he immediately didn't know how to answer.

Yun Qian made a slight salute and said, "If father has no other orders, I will go back to my room."

As soon as she finished speaking, without giving Yun Jingyan any chance to speak, she lifted her foot and walked out.

She knew that what she said just now had silenced Yun Jingyan for a while. At this time, Yun Jingyan was probably still weighing the stakes. The current situation was just a sign, and Yun Jingyan was not sure.

It's just that this incident had a great impact on her, and she felt a little uneasy.

When she walked out the door, Yun Jingyan faintly heard Yun Jingyan sigh in the room, and then seemed to say, "How willful!"

There was a deep look in Yunqian's eyes, and a chill was already in her heart. At dusk, Mochou came to her, and she said softly: "I guess it was my father who asked my mother to come. If I were to write a letter of divorce , mother doesn’t need to say anything.”

(End of this chapter)

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