Chapter 376
"Your father did ask me to persuade you." Mo Chou looked at Yun Qian and said, "But I didn't come to persuade you, Qian'er, do you still remember what I said to you?"

Yun Qian met Mo Chou's eyes, but saw that her eyes were full of gentleness, she gently took Yun Qian's hand and said: "I once asked you if you like Shizi, you were hesitant at that time, Qian'er, now At this moment, do you already have the answer in your heart?"

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly when she heard the words, but her heart was already shaken. As early as the last time she was raising donations, she had told herself that if she really fell in love with Chu Yuanzhou, then it would be up to her. Heart to go, if you really love, then love.

During these days, he sent letters almost every day. Although she missed him a little in her heart, she felt that he was always by her side and had not gone far.

His slightly ruffian language, his slightly lazy appearance, and his black-bellied temperament once made her feel disdainful in her heart, but it was only then that she realized that her thoughts had already been tied to him. body.

And beside her, his shadow was already everywhere. It turns turns out that she had already fallen in love with him before she knew it.

It turned out that she thought that she could do anything with her heart freely, but she didn't know that the seeds of love had already taken root and sprouted unconsciously.

It turns out that when love comes, I never tell anyone. When the love comes and the heart is moved, that is falling in love.

She bit her lip lightly, then nodded slightly.

Mo Chou smiled and said: "It's good that you understand your thoughts, this matter requires your persistence, you don't care what anyone around you says, as long as you believe in him, you have him in your heart, don't listen to other people's words. "

Yun Qian said in a low voice: "Mother..."

Her heart was full of warmth, and she had always felt a little lonely since she came to this world. Among all the people, Mo Chou was probably the only one who really cared about her, and had nothing to do with money or power.

Mo Chou patted her hand lightly and said: "You don't have to worry about your father, our mother and daughter have nothing in the first place, and the worst thing is that we have nothing."

The corner of Yunqian's mouth raised slightly, she glanced at Mo Chou and said, "Mother, don't worry, I don't think this matter is what my father said, let's wait and see, if he really did that, and the Yunfu We couldn't stay any longer, so I tried to find a way to leave Yunfu with my mother, and our mother and daughter lived a simple and happy life."

She understood what Mochou meant when she said nothing, and to this day, she also knew that she was as ruthless as Yun Jingyan, and she was afraid that she could do anything.Earlier, she had always thought that Yun Jingyan was attracted to Mo Chou, but now she knew that in Yun Jingyan's heart, there was nothing higher than his status.

These days, Yun Jingyan has a heart for Mo Chou, but those thoughts are probably three parts lust, three parts lust, three parts use and one part affection!

Mo Chou smiled, she reached out and stroked Yun Qian's hair lightly, but did not speak again.

Yun Qian buried her head in Mo Chou's arms, and the mother and daughter did not speak again.

After Mo Chou left, the sky had gradually darkened. On the first day of the new year, the moon could hardly be seen, the sky was pitch black, and Yun Qian half leaned against the window, looking at the darkening sky and sighing softly .

Chu Yuanzhou, what are you doing?
(End of this chapter)

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