Chapter 377 Don't Let Her Go
Yun Qian felt a little uneasy in her heart, although she knew that he had always been considerate in his actions, but this time he acted too much.

She turned around, couldn't help sighing again, and turned her head, only to see Bai Mi suddenly staring at her with ruby ​​eyes, this time it was holding a scarf in its mouth.

She threw the scarf away and said, "Are you also worried about him?"

Bai Mifan groaned as she looked at the scarf. It took a lot of effort to get that scarf to her mouth, but she just threw it away!
Yunqian had something on her mind, she had long forgotten what she asked Bai Mi to do that day, so she patted Bai Mi on the back, then picked up a piece of meat from the kitchen and threw it to Bai Mi.

Bai Mifan cheered, ran away with his mouth full of meat, and didn't think about the scarf any more.

Seeing Bai Mimi's appearance, Yunqian smiled slightly, feeling a lot lighter unconsciously.

The story of Chu Yuanzhou quickly spread throughout the Yunfu. Yun Yan happily told Su Qiaohui about it, who was still lying on the hospital bed. Su Qiaohui also felt a little complacent when she heard the news. She sneered and said, "No Thinking that that bitch Yun Qian will have today, it's true that evil comes with evil!"

Ever since Yun Qian smashed her head that day, she has been depleted of energy and blood, and she seems to have no energy. The child is much better.

Yun Yan smiled and said: "Mother, it is rare to have such an opportunity, what should we do?"

The corner of Su Qiaohui's mouth twitched slightly: "We can't interfere with Chu Yuanzhou's matter, but the Su family can still say a few words, you can go to your uncle later, tell him about this matter, and let him go and find out Last time Chu Yuanzhou severely injured your uncle with one palm, and it took him half a month to recuperate. Now that you have such an opportunity, how can you let it go!"

Yun Yan nodded lightly and said: "Uncle has always been highly respected by the emperor. I heard that the emperor knew about Chu Yuanzhou beating uncle last time, and even called Chu Yuanzhou to reprimand him."

"Your uncle has made many contributions to the Great Zhou Dynasty, the emperor naturally respects him very much." Su Qiaohui's eyes narrowed into a line.

Yun Yan turned around to arrange something, Su Qiaohui glanced at her again and said, "Do you know who it was that night?"

Yun Yan shook her head lightly and said: "When Ping'er woke me up, he was lying on the bed, and I didn't see the person clearly. Later... when I went to look for him later, he was already gone."

"I was the person who spent money to find that day, and I don't know who that person is, so I just asked someone to help me find a stupid and stupid person." Su Qiaohui sighed softly: "I want to come to that fool until now. I didn't know what happened, so I didn't show off."

When Yun Yan heard about this matter, tears filled her eyes, Su Qiaohui bit her lips and said: "It's just that this matter is not necessarily all bad for us, although there are rumors everywhere nowadays, but there is no If anyone knows who the man is, it's considered unconvincing, as long as we don't recognize him to death."

Yun Yan responded softly, and Su Qiaohui said again: "When I feel better, I will go to the palace to meet the Empress Defei, and arrange the marriage between you and the third prince as early as possible, so as to avoid further troubles."

Yun Yan nodded lightly. Seeing Yun Yan's appearance, Su Qiaohui felt pity in her heart, and immediately sighed softly and said, "Let's go find your uncle!"

(End of this chapter)

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