Chapter 378 The Power of the Princess
Yunqian knew that Su Qiaohui knew that many things would happen, and she was also worried about Chu Yuanzhou. Although Mochou cared about her, she couldn't help her. She needs someone to discuss with her. man of.

That person must be Princess Qionghua.

Early the next morning, she asked Huanyu to send a message to Princess Qionghua. Before noon, Princess Qionghua came. Yunqian said a few words in her ear. Yun Qian went out.

When he didn't want to be at the door, the concierge's little six said: "Miss Fifth, the master has ordered that you can't leave Yunfu for a few days."

Yun Qian sighed faintly when she heard Little Six's words. These arrangements were very similar to Yun Jingyan's approach. Yun Jingyan knew that she had a good relationship with Princess Qionghua, and was afraid that something would happen to Princess Qionghua with her.

"Tomorrow is my birthday, I will take Qianqian to celebrate my birthday." Princess Qionghua pulled Yunqian away confidently.

Little Six asked curiously, "Princess, didn't you celebrate your birthday in March? Why did you pay it back at this time?"

Princess Qionghua blushed and her heart skipped a beat when she was exposed by the little six sons: "Did you have your birthday in March? Why didn't I know?"

"I remember." Little Six said solemnly: "At that time, the princess had a big banquet for guests at Cailian Mountain Villa, and set up a stage for three days. I happened to be free that day, so I went to the theater."

For the first time, Princess Qionghua felt that being too high-profile would be harmful, so she stared and said, "That day is Awang's birthday, and tomorrow will be my birthday."

"Awang's birthday?" Little Six asked a little strangely, "Why have you never heard of Awang?"

Princess Qionghua was too lazy to chat with him, she kicked him over and said, "Awang is a dog I raised."

She felt a little annoyed, this concierge really spoke a lot!
"Ah, the princess celebrated the dog's birthday!" Little Six's eyes were full of curiosity, and he had already forgotten his duty.

He has grown so big, he has never heard of people celebrating a dog's birthday!
Princess Qionghua raised her eyebrows and said: "In the Princess Mansion, not only dogs have their birthdays, cats have their birthdays, chickens have their birthdays, even the lotus that I grow has birthdays."

Little Six's eyes were full of envy, but Princess Qionghua was too lazy to tell him what she had and what she didn't have, so she took Yun Qian's hand and walked out.

When she walked to the door, she felt that it was too embarrassing to be stopped by a concierge, and then she walked to Xiaoliuzi's side and said, "Tell your master, Yunqian is the godmother I recognize. Tomorrow is my birthday, and the day after tomorrow is the princess." The birthday of the house cat, the day after tomorrow is the birthday of the rabbit, the day after tomorrow is the birthday of the tortoise, the day after tomorrow is the birthday of the fish, I took Qianqian to celebrate her birthday. If your master misses my sister, let him bring a generous gift Then, he is the Prime Minister of a country, so he will have all the courtesy he should have."

As soon as she finished speaking, she kicked Xiao Liuzi's ass again, then took Yun Qian's hand and swaggered out.

Yunqian saw Princess Qionghua's actions again, and the corner of her mouth raised slightly, and when she was walking out, Yunyan burst out from the slant and said, "My father ordered that fifth sister can't go out for a few days..."

Before she could finish her words, Princess Qionghua slapped her in the face with a slap, and she immediately stayed there.

(End of this chapter)

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