Chapter 381
Hearing what Princess Qionghua said, Yun Qian couldn't help but sighed softly.

She has been waiting for a letter from Chu Yuanzhou for the past two days, but it has been two days in a row, and she has never received a letter from Chu Yuanzhou again, but he asked Bai Luo to bring the Yuhua Stone to Princess Qionghua .

She didn't know what the purpose of these rain flower stones was, but she already felt a little wronged in her heart. If he could let Bai Luo bring the rain flower stones, couldn't someone bring her a message, let her know his thoughts, and save so many worries .

When she thought about it like this, she felt a little angry for some reason, and secretly told herself that when he came back, she must deal with him well!
She calculated the wedding date of the two of them, and felt a little worried for a while, if he didn't come back before the wedding date this time, what would it mean to her?
She thought of Yun Jingyan's elongated black face. She closed her eyes slightly, but she cursed herself inwardly. When she crossed over earlier, she never thought of relying on anyone. After being together for a long time, the thought of relying on him has already been born in my heart.

She restrained her mind and told herself that she should think of another way out for herself.

After the two of them entered the other courtyard, Princess Qionghua took off the gauze cap on her head, at this moment, her hands wrapped Bai Luo in a piece of white cloth and brought her in.

Bai Luo's whole body was covered with water, the white cloth was not too big, just enough to cover him, but because of his fat body, a little flesh would always be exposed, so he kept pulling and pulling.

Seeing this scene, Yun Qian's eyes widened a little. Princess Qionghua was really shocked. She coughed lightly, but did not speak.

But Bai Luo said anxiously: "Miss Yun Wu, please say something nice for me in front of the princess and return my clothes to me. I still have something to do."

Yun Qian directly pretended not to hear, Princess Qionghua had her back to Bai Luo, but she turned her head lightly and said, "I don't know what else Mr. Bai has to do?"

Bai Luo's hand was originally tightly pinching the white cloth, but when Princess Qionghua turned her head around, he froze there. Today's Princess Qionghua only wore a light green silk long dress, her hair was slightly curled up. Looking at her eyes, her eyes are three-point soft and seven-point charming. At this time, her eyes are flowing, and her gestures are full of seductiveness.

Such a Princess Qionghua is noble and bold, a little frivolous, but can easily arouse any man's primitive desire.

Looking at Princess Qionghua at such a close distance, Bai Luo felt that it was very different from the surprise in front of the big square that day, and it could disturb his mind even more.

His Adam's apple moved, but he felt that it was too inappropriate for her to look at him like this.

His hand trembled, and the white cloth in his hand fell off. He reacted fairly quickly and grabbed the white cloth. Even so, his upper body was exposed.

Princess Qionghua's face was natural, without the slightest bit of embarrassment, instead she said: "Fat all over, like a pig, it's really unattractive."

Bai Luo blushed upon hearing this, gritted his teeth and said, "Princess, please return the clothes to me."

Princess Qionghua's eyes were full of disdain and she said: "Return the clothes? There is no such rule in Cailian Bieyuan. Except for men of my nephew's generation who don't need to bathe and change clothes, have you ever heard of anyone coming here? When the clothes are complete?"

(End of this chapter)

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