Chapter 382
The corners of Princess Qionghua's eyes were raised slightly, showing a thousand charms of her own, but it made Bai Luo feel even more uncomfortable.

Bai Luo had always been the only one looking at women in the brothel, and this was the first time he was seen naked like this.

Seeing his appearance, Princess Qionghua twitched her lips slightly and said, "The first step to enter Cailian Courtyard is to look at your figure, your figure is not qualified."

Bai Luo bit her lip and said, "I didn't come to be the princess's male favourite."

"Oh." Princess Qionghua smiled and said: "But for me, all the men who want to enter this lotus picking courtyard want to be my male favourite. Don't pretend to be arrogant in front of me, your The look in your eyes reveals your thoughts, but you are too ugly and your figure is too poor, even if your family has a mountain of money, I can't look down on you! Get out!"

Bai Luo's face suddenly turned red, and he said immediately: "Princess, please return my clothes to me."

Princess Qionghua took a step closer to him, he took a step back, she took another step forward, and he took another step. After doing this several times, Princess Qionghua smiled and said: "The man who wants to put on his clothes and go out from here ..."

At this point in her words, she hooked her fingers slightly, but Bai Luo was startled, turned around, put on the white cloth, and ran out without any shoes.

Princess Qionghua laughed out loud when she saw his appearance, and Yun Qian coughed lightly.

Princess Qionghua suppressed her smile and said: "If this bastard doesn't give him a good meal, he really thinks that he has a few stinky money to be a big deal."

Yunqian's eyebrows were raised, and her gloomy mood suddenly improved at this moment.

That night, Princess Qionghua seemed to be entertaining someone, but Yun Qian didn't go. After reading a book in the room, she saw that it was getting late, but she was still not sleepy, so she opened the window to breathe.

When she opened the window, she saw a young man standing under a tree not far away. He was dressed in white and held a lantern in his hand. Seeing Yunqian opened the window, he turned his head and looked over in a little surprise.

Yunqian could only vaguely see his face through the dim night, but with just one glance, she recognized that the man was the Ye Wuchen in her memory, and the throbbing in her heart rose again.

The man was a little strange seeing her, but still nodded slightly at her, and then slowly left with the lantern in his hand.

It was only after he walked away that Yunqian realized that, anyway, this matter had troubled her for a long time, and she had to figure out who he was.

Thinking of this, she opened the door and walked out of the room, but when she came out, the man had already disappeared into the night.

Standing there, Yun Qian felt a little lost, she had no choice but to turn around and go back to the room, but then she remembered that Princess Qionghua teased Bai Luo, that man must be Princess Qionghua's male favourite, right?
When she thought of this, her eyebrows raised slightly.

She originally wanted to ask Princess Qionghua who that man was but had to give up.

It's just that the doubts in her heart are still lingering, that man looks noble and unparalleled, it would be a pity if he really became Princess Qionghua's male favourite.

She was also somewhat annoyed at her own memory, but there was nothing she could do.

After getting up the next day, after Yun Qian and Princess Qionghua finished their breakfast, a man in his forties came over and said, "Princess, Master Yun sent someone to pick up Miss Yun Wu this morning."

He is the steward of Cailian Bieyuan, Princess Qionghua calls him Uncle Li, she seems to respect him very much.

(End of this chapter)

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