Chapter 383 Test of Feelings
"Just send him away." Princess Qionghua's eyes were indifferent.

Uncle Li responded lightly, and came back not long after and said, "Princess, rumors about the son's rebellion have already spread in the capital."

Princess Qionghua and Yun Qian frowned, and Uncle Li looked at Yun Qian and said, "Yun Xiang left a message for Miss Fifth when he left just now, and he never agreed to the marriage between the son and Miss Fifth. People's marriages are decided by themselves, and have nothing to do with Yunfu."

"Is Yunxiang going to break away from the father-daughter relationship with Qianqian?" Princess Qionghua asked coldly.

Uncle Li replied softly: "Yun Xiang seems to mean that. Judging from Yun Xiang's posture, it seems that he wants the Chu Palace to withdraw the engagement."

Yun Qian said indifferently: "My father is really well-intentioned."

"Snob." Princess Qionghua scolded directly: "When Qian Qian was engaged to Xiao Chuan'er earlier, he didn't let go of a fart. Now that the wedding is approaching, and such a rumor has flowed out, he can't wait to get married with Chuan'er. The palace has separated the relationship."

Yun Qian said softly: "My father has his own considerations. From his standpoint, maybe everything is right."

"Officials only raise a bunch of villains." Princess Qionghua scolded.

Yun Qian bit her lip lightly, and Princess Qionghua said again: "Qianqian, if you want to cancel this marriage with Xiao Chuan'er, you should not be implicated."

Yun Qian said indifferently: "If I want to divorce, I won't let the girl come to find my sister. I will just stay in Yunfu and write a divorce letter."

The corner of Princess Qionghua's mouth raised slightly and said: "You are a loving and righteous woman, Xiao Chuan'er has a good eye, and she has always shared wealth and wealth, shared joys and sorrows, and this incident can be regarded as a test of your relationship."

Yunqian chuckled and did not speak. Although the marriage between her and Chu Yuanzhou started with a contract at first, everything changed with the passage of time.

She also knew better what it would mean to her if she divorced Chu Yuanzhou again in this dynasty.

Up to now, her considerations at this level have faded away, and she only hopes that he will be safe.

She thought of what he said to her before he went to Huaishui, and now thinking about it, she felt a little dark, she felt that he really had a crow's mouth.

She was half lying on the window sill, and her mind was even deeper.

Princess Qionghua put her arms around her chest and said: "If you don't want to divorce, you can live here in the future, and you don't have to go back to Yunfu in the future."

The corner of Yunqian's mouth hooked slightly, won't you go back to Yunfu?Yunqian didn't want to go back there either, but this time she came out too hastily and didn't bring Mo Chou out, otherwise there really wouldn't be a need to go back there.

It's just that Mo Chou has always been conservative, and Princess Qionghua's reputation is too prosperous. According to Mo Chou's personality, she would rather die of old age in Yunfu than live with Princess Qionghua.

Princess Qionghua glanced at her, smiled faintly, reached out and patted her on the shoulder, then turned and left.

Yunfu, Yun Jing said that this was extremely furious, he raised his palm and hit Mo Chou on the face, and said angrily: "How do you teach children on weekdays? You actually taught Qian'er to be that temperamental?" !"

Mo Chou lowered her head slightly, and said slowly, "I only brought Qian'er up to five years old."

Her words were extremely indifferent, but they extinguished Yun Jingyan's anger. As she guessed, the reason why Yun Jingyan was so angry was that he had met Su Qiaohui before coming here.

(End of this chapter)

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