Chapter 391
The King of Chu nodded slightly and said, "Okay, now we'll see how that bastard will deal with this situation."

Lu Zhu smiled and didn't speak any more.

After the King of Chu walked out of the flower hall, he glanced at the rockery and strange rocks in the yard. His eyes darkened, but he felt a little sigh in his heart. Chu Yuanzhou is really a lucky person. There is such a woman who loves him so much. Never give up.

After Yunqian walked out of Prince Chu's mansion, she breathed a sigh of relief, and she felt more settled. When she was talking to Concubine Luside just now, she saw a figure printed behind the curtain of the side room. The figure was very tall. .

Looking at the entire palace, there is only one person who dares to eavesdrop on Concubine Lu Side, and that is the King of Chu.And at such a juncture, Concubine Lu Fang said that the King of Chu was not in the palace, so she would not believe it. Under such circumstances, any wise person would not stay in the palace all the time to clear up the relationship.

What she said later was not so much for Concubine Lu, but rather for the King of Chu.

But at this time, the King of Chu still wanted to listen to what she said, thinking that things were not as terrible as the rumors said.

When she came to Chu Palace, she felt a little uneasy, but when she left Chu Palace, she felt at ease again.

She didn't go back directly to Cailian Bieyuan, but went to Shili Pavilion outside the capital.

Shili Pavilion is the only way to go back to Beijing. The pavilion is built on a small hillside. There is a flat river outside the capital. Standing on the hillside, you can clearly see the scene in the distance.

A not-too-wide official road extends into the distance, like a strand of lovesick cotton, a little lingering, but a little weak and helpless.

It's just that in Yunqian's view, being weak has nothing to do with her. At this time, she seems to have no choice but to be strong and face it.

She glanced at a piece of green wheat field, and then at the blue sky, the sky was as clean as it was, and the blue was touching. In this unpolluted sky, she felt that breathing seemed much lighter.

She said in her heart: "Chu Yuanzhou, I never thought that one day I would look forward to your return so much, nor did I think that the original agreement actually took my whole heart into it."

There was the sound of a carriage behind her, she turned her head and saw the door of the carriage opened, and Ye Wuchen got out of the carriage.

When Yun Qian saw Ye Wuchen, she couldn't help frowning, but Ye Wuchen walked the carriage very calmly, and then stood calmly beside her.

"Are you waiting for Chu Yuanzhou?" Ye Wuchen asked lightly.

"Yes." Yun Qian replied calmly.

"Do you think he will come back?" Ye Wuchen asked curiously.

"Of course, he will definitely come back." Yunqian said slowly: "The eighth day of June is the wedding date of my son and I. When Ye Gongzi introduces you, you can come and drink a book of wedding wine."

Ye Wuchen chuckled lightly and said, "Are you so sure?"

"Naturally." Yunqian replied calmly, with a slight smile on her face, but seeing him here was not what she wanted, and her heart had already become wary.

Ye Wuchen turned to look at her and said, "Have you ever waited for me like this before?"

"No." Yunqian answered very frankly, she never did things sloppily, and her body was really the Ye Wuchen before, not the Ye Wuchen in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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