Chapter 392 Waiting For Him Forever
Although Ye Wuchen knew her answer earlier, her direct answer still dimmed his eyes.

He didn't speak, and everything was quiet.

After a long while, Yun Qian asked, "Why did Mr. Ye come to Shiliting?"

"Following you." Ye Wuchen also answered very directly.

Yun Qian frowned, and her tone rose several times: "Are you following me?"

"I can't talk about following." Ye Wuchen said with one hand behind his back: "It's just that when I went out, I happened to see the carriage of the Princess Mansion. Seeing that the carriage went directly out of the city, I was a little curious, so I followed to have a look."

Yunqian sneered and said, "Master Ye has a heart." To put it bluntly, he was following her, and she hated being followed the most.

Ye Wuchen said indifferently: "It's okay."

Yun Qian didn't like his way of speaking, and even felt that he was not congenial to him, so she turned her head and wanted to leave, but Ye Wuchen said indifferently: "Do you think Chu Yuanzhou will come back before your wedding date?" ?”

Yun Qian stopped in her footsteps, turned her head to look at him and said, "What does Master Ye want to say?"

Today's Ye Wuchen is still dressed in black, standing there like an ink cloud, the sleeves of his clothes are wide, when the breeze blows, his robes are blown up, and with the pattern of flowing clouds around him, he It's a bit like a demon who can ride the wind.

Ye Wuchen still said calmly, "I want to make a bet with you."

"Bet? What are you betting on?" Yun Qian's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Bet on whether Chu Yuanzhou can come back before the eighth day of the lunar new year." Ye Wuchen said leisurely.

Yunqian looked a little irritable when she saw him earlier, but she was not as carefree as she is today. She had always thought he was nothing more than that, but today the glitz around him has faded away, and standing there like this is absolutely unparalleled in style.

At this moment, she somewhat understood that his title as the No. [-] son of the capital was justified. Such a man has his bearing and also has his outstanding features.

She raised her eyebrows and asked, "What's the bet?"

"If Chu Yuanzhou doesn't answer on the eighth day of the lunar new year, you will marry me." Ye Wuchen said slowly, his eyes were calm and cold.

Yun said with a smile: "It turns out that Young Master Ye hasn't given up on me yet, but I'm a little surprised, but how can I make Young Master Ye worry about me so much?"

"Maybe it's the best thing if you don't get it! Because of your repeated rejections, I have a little interest in you." Ye Wuchen said lightly.

Yun Qian didn't expect Ye Wuchen to answer so directly, she chuckled lightly and said, "This is a waste of Mr. Ye's painstaking efforts. If I am willing to marry Mr. Ye, how can I agree to the marriage of Mr. Ye? So Ye Gongzi doesn't need to worry about my affairs anymore."

Ye Wuchen raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "You refused so thoroughly just after I opened my mouth, why didn't you ask if Chu Yuanzhou came back before the eighth day, what would happen if I lost?"

"I think this matter is between me and Shizi. There is no need for a third person to intervene, let alone a bet. If he doesn't come back on the eighth day, then I will wait until the ninth day. If he doesn't come back on the ninth day, I will wait until the ninth day." On the tenth day of the lunar new year, if he does not come back on the tenth day of June, I will wait until the tenth day of July. If he does not come back on the tenth day of July this year, I will wait until the tenth day of July next year. In the next year, he will come back one day." Yun Qian said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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