Chapter 522
The eyes of the people around were filled with surprise. If Chu Yuanzhou and the queen asked for the same lottery, then the set of mysteries that the Snow Mountain Saintess made just now would no longer be so mysterious.

And it will become a scam, a scam woven by the Snow Mountain Saintess.

"Impossible!" The eyes of the Snow Mountain Saintess were full of disbelief, but when she saw the golden lottery, she froze there. With just one glance, she recognized that the lottery was indeed the queen she just became. ask for.

She looked at Yunqian like a monster, her eyes full of disbelief.

These things are all hers. Over the years, she has been with these things almost every day. She also thought about drawing the lottery she wanted at will, but she rarely succeeded.

The queen was still a little uneasy about the lottery that the Snow Mountain Saintess asked for, but now when Chu Yuanzhou touched the silver plate, it was the same lottery that jumped out!Her eyes were suddenly filled with frost, and she squinted at the Snow Mountain Saintess.

She quietly said: "The saint is really kind!"

The Snow Mountain Saintess was startled, gritted her teeth and said, "Impossible! How did you do it?"

When Yunqian saw the pick jumping out, her nervous heart finally fell to the ground.

Others may not know the reason for the rapid rotation of the silver plate of the Snow Mountain Saintess, but she knows it all too well. When she was a bodyguard in her previous life, she often accompanied her employer to Macau to gamble. There, she discovered one of her specialties, her Subconsciously, she has a powerful calculation ability, and the rotation of those turntables has a certain regularity, so she has also won a lot of money for her employer.

It's just that she is a person who is afraid of trouble, and thinks that having such calculation ability is troublesome, and it is easy to cause trouble, so even if she can figure out where the turntables will land, she will not tell others easily.

Today, the silver plate brought by the Saintess of the Snow Mountain is a bit similar to the big turntable in a casino. As long as you understand the laws of mechanical movement, it is not difficult to figure out where the silver plate stops.

The gold stick that jumped out was nothing more than a mechanism connected to the silver plate. So many sticks rotated with the silver plate. When the silver plate stopped, a stick similar to Something like a spring will pop out the stick that just stops on it.

These were just Yun Qian's thoughts at first, and it was the first time she had seen that silver plate, so she was not completely sure when it was turning.

And with so many sticks in the stick, it seems that each one is similar, but in fact each one has slight differences, and those differences are the key to popping up the sticks.

If Yunqian had studied this set of things longer, she would have been able to pick out that lottery in a shorter period of time. Today, she knew that the matter was of great importance, so when the silver plate was turning, she was particularly concerned about it. careful.

As a result, when the stick was turned onto the spring a few times, she was not fully sure, so it took a long time.

It's just that even if this is the case, it is extremely difficult. Yunqian only touched the lottery once, and only paid special attention to the lottery, and she had already drawn it out smoothly. Apart from her strength, she actually had a bit of luck.

When Cai Yunqian was looking at the rotation speed of the turntable, he was a little uncertain for a while, and then he found the closest sound and moved his hand.

Yun Qian said with a smile: "The little tricks made the saint laugh."

(End of this chapter)

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